Hello stranger!?

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Jungkook Pov

I came outside of party venue. Heading towards my car with fast pace, not wanting to listen single shit from person following me. I was near my car door. I held handle, unlocking my car. She was on other side of car, standing. I didn't give her single glance.

"Baby~ listen to me atleast! It isn't what it looks like!"

I cringed as she tried to talk in cute tone. Well that's what she thought cause it sounded like dying frog. I sat down in driving seat. Luckily passanger seat door was locked but unluckily window was half open, enough to put only head.


I was talking with some ceos of other companies who were also my friend. I held my glass in hand, hearing latter in front of me talking about his upcoming projects more like advertising.

I brought glass of champagne near my lips, resulting my head to lift up little. Corner of my pupils caught sight of my girlfriend.

One hand resting on clothed chest of man she was talking to. More like flirting. I may not hear them but her actions & body language screamed. Of course who could know her better than her own so-called-boyfriend.

I saw him scaning her up & down, gently licking his lips. Eye-fucking will be more justified answer. I just stared. Not feeling anything. Nether range nor jealous or hurt. Just neutral. I sipped my drink as i saw them both moving towards another hallway where rooms were located.

"Excuse me.."

I excused myself from other businessmen, following same way where my ohh-so-precious-girlfriend went. I passed that hallway, left or straight?. Didn't took so long before i heard little growl & some sucking sound. Turning my head sideways, i saw the view.

His back pressed against wall as she devoured him hungrily. Chuckling under my breath in amusement. Why will not she, i never let her use me before. I watched them nearly eating eachother as he tried to open room door near him while her hands went towards his pants, trying to unbuckle them.

This time I chuckled loudly, making sure they came out of there makeout section. Her eyes widened, her hands freezed at his pants button. He looked baffled, he didn't know probably.

Sipping on my champagne, "need help babe? You seems to struggle there" pointing with my brows at her hands.

"What the heck man!! Leave us alone, go find someone else!" He said with authority. As if I was going to listen.

"Of course i have no interest in watching my innocent girlfriend fucking other man. I was just here to inform-" i gazed in her eyes with mischief as they stared at me with unknown fear. Not the fear of losing person but fear of losing benifits from him.

She tried to speak but i completed my sentence before she could even start. "Goodluck hoe. We aren't anything anymore." Tossing my glass at her before taking last sip from it. I went away. I heard her heels clicking behind me but i could not care less. I made my way outside with her tailing behind me.

Flashback ends

Present time

"Baby~ it was alcohol! It wasn't...it wasn't-" she contemplate at end. Not knowing how to justify her actions.

"Yeah yeah~ anymore excuse? Nothing. Then leave."

She still sticked to my car door. Fingers tightly holding window glass. Cake like face behind window staring at me from gap. I heaved out exaggerated sigh.

"Just let me explain koo-"

"Don't take my name from that mouth who was nearly tongue-fucking with other! And do you think I'm dumb to not know your secrets." I ended my sentence in husky whisper. I could see her gulping like deer caught in headlights.

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