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"I can't believe I'm doing this" Minho chuckled while getting inside the car.

"Why are you laughing-" I frowned at him genuinely being concerned.

"Because I have no other choice-" his face changed with that.

I still couldn't physically and emotionally digest the fact that we were finally dating after a whole eternity. It didn't feel any different probably because we were never really separated.

The car ride was quiet as expected. Minho hadn't met his parents in a long while meanwhile I was almost banned from the household because of whatever happened back then but thankfully Jieun was there to have our back.

My heartbeat went from fast to ultra fast pace as soon as the bell was rang. I looked at Minho and he looked more chill than he was letting on or moreover because he didn't want to be there in the first place.

Jieun slowly opened the door and cleared her throat, "Things seem fine, get in..."

"Why are you whispering, we aren't trading drugs-" Minho asked with his 'what kind of bullshit' stare.

"Get in goddamit" she rolled her eyes and I walked in first knowing very well that someone had to stop the conversation.

"Dad your son is here!" Jieun called out.

We both stood stiff near the entrance, I didn't plan what I was going to talk about but, "I'll talk a lot today" I said inhaling deeply.

"Who? Oh Minho?" Mr. Lee asked as he approached us from the staircase, "And...Nam Suyoung?"

I couldn't really tell if he was happy or surprised or mad to see me but definitely the kind of expression which said that he wasn't expecting me.

I immediately bowed down, "I'm sorry to cause you inconvenience right now."

"No...that's alright, please come in", he said and eyed Jieun to lead us to the living room.

"Minho..." he uttered once we sat down on the couch comfortably, "You haven't been here in so long."

"Hmm nobody bothered calling me over anyways" he said nonchalantly.

"You don't need appointments or invitations to visit your parents' house, let's not talk about it, tell me how is your work going" he asked dismissing the first topic.

"Oh don't worry, it's going quite good, I'm doing really good" he replied with a small smile, "Where is Mom by the way? We're here to talk."

"Talk?" Mr. Lee looked at him and then me and then asked Jieun to call Mrs. Lee who was probably taking a shower right then.

It didn't take long enough till Mrs. Lee walked in the room, with the same air of confidence and pride around her although a bit easy going which could've appeared because of the growing age, "So...I heard Minho has finally got time to visit his parents?" she said out almost pretending like I wasn't there.

"Please...don't say that, I am not the only one who ran from responsibilities" he said frowning.

To ease the situation, I sighed and interfered into the conversation, "It's nice to see you after a long time Mrs. Lee"

"Aren't you the youngest daughter of the Nams...oh good gracious a we have a rich, young and successful business woman sitting among us" she said with a smile which made it hard to say if the statement was sarcastic or appreciative.

"Enough chatting about unnecessary things, what were you about to talk?" asked his father.

"I don't know where to start from but there are several of things that I'd love to address and one of them being how much sorry I am to have caused you problems in the past, it was because we all were immatured and unaware of consequences back then but all these years I have grown to realise that I need to be responsible of everything I own, my family, my share in business, the home I've built and my own life" I paused and took a deep breath, "I don't know if this is appropriate to say it like this but I'd love to mend things between our families, I take responsibility of all my actions and apologise for whatever I have done but please forgive me and please accept my invitation to our residence Mr. Lee, my Dad has proposed a dinner for you" I said making sure that my words were polite enough.

The room fell silent for a while, Minho had no expression on as usual, his father was trying to decide and his mother didn't look much bothered however she was the first one to speak up, "Suyoung is it? You coming here yourself to apologise and invite is quite appreciated, I'm glad that you think that way, we personally do not mind, do we honey?" she asked her husband who shook his head gently in agreement.

"Thank you for inviting me Miss Nam, I'll make sure to attend" he said with a reassuring nod.

I wasn't really expecting them to accept the offer so easily after whatever we had to go through but the current situation overjoyed me, it made my job a cent percent easier.

"Whenever you're ready, you can let Minho know, he'll bring you along" I said smiling wide.

"What is it Minho? You don't look pleased enough" his Mom asked.

"I hope you're not doing this to 'please' me" he said emphasizing the word.

"Ah no of course not! Minho we don't have any reason to hold grudges against kids who made mistakes, we don't want to dig up the past" Mr. Lee replied.

"Hey, that's enough" I nudged Minho and he scoffed at that, "I'll have to go now, you better drop me at my home, Jackson's wedding is next week!"

He broke into a smile looking at me, "Let's go..."

"Hear out" Jieun stopped us before we could leave, "Why are you both so awkward-" she said and broke into laughter.

"What do you mean...we are kinda okay-" I replied with a shrug.

Jieun shook her head and answered, "Kinda okay? Not okay at all. You guys look like you have been forced into an arranged marriage".

"How are we supposed to look 'normal' according to you then?" enquired Minho.

"I don't know? I mean it comes naturally, go on a date or something" she said.

Me and Minho looked at each other and then he gave her a thumbs up before he trailed me outside along with him.

"She'd start lecturing if we stayed there a little longer" he said heaving a sigh of relief, "Although the idea of a date wasn't bad."

"We've had plenty of 'platonic' dates already what do you mean-" I gave him a side look at that.

"Hell no..." he rolled his eyes, "You know we have this kind of awkwardness around us...and it's partially because we barely got enough time to spend together and get to know each other...we usually hang around with friends so we don't focus much on us..."

I stayed quiet and gave it a thought, he had a point, we needed to get out of our boundaries and open up to each other more, "Maybe we can get comfortable with each other's presence if we spend more time?"

He nodded and started the car, "You're smart."

"Oh stop-" I chuckled, "I still remember how you used to scold the shit out of me for getting the sums wrong."

He was clearly embarrased when he laughed out bit his lower lip, "I just wanted you to do better."

"Well...I am better now..."

"Yes you are"

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