Finally friendly face

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I went outside and the stench of rot and sulfur was even stronger. My nose could barely hold it, so I took a handkerchief and held it to my nose. Admittedly, it didn't help, but it's always a relief of only one percent. Anyway, I finally left the building to find myself in the parking lot. I was hoping that at least here it would be a little more normal. Well, hope is called the mother of fools for a reason. It was night, but a terribly bright night. The sky, instead of black, was dark green, or more like the color of the sea, and was slightly covered with very dark clouds. Just a few of them have shifted to reveal the moon. That night it was exceptionally shining like hell, because you immediately wanted to expose your face from the annoying light. Although it was still a nice sight compared to what was on the ground. Everything seemed normal, if you ignored the whole lot of this strange brown-bloody growth and black goo that was strewn everywhere. They were everywhere, on the asphalt, covering cars in the parking lot, lamps that seemed to bend and flicker, and even the entire hospital building. The whole angular concrete structure was entwined with these strange growths and weeds that oozed that black stuff. I watched it curiously until my ears registered a strange roar. I didn't waste any more time and hid behind the nearest car. But then I heard some quick footsteps far ahead of me. I leaned over the cover to look around. It didn't take long for me to see a man run from behind the building. A slightly older man with a large curve, wearing only blue hospital pajamas, who ran as fast as his legs could carry him until suddenly the same monsters that had attacked me inside the hospital ran out from the same side. The unfortunate was running towards the entrance gate and the barrier with the toll booth, behind which there was a road to the forest.

Poor guy, because he wasn't allowed to reach the desired goal, because one of these creatures jumped out and grabbed him by the leg, knocking him to the ground. This one still tried to fight by kicking this freak in the head, but unfortunately then the rest of these things got to him. All he could do was scream as the old people dug their teeth into him, tearing him alive. And I had to look at it. I wanted to look away from the carnage immediately, but the damn thing was so mesmerizing that I finally noticed that one of the monsters was already turning its head back, so I immediately hid so that I wouldn't become their second dish. So I sat behind the car with my mouth covered, not because of the stench in the air, but because my heart was pounding more than bells on Sundays, and I was hyperventilating, which might have given away my position. When I calmed down enough, however, he peeked out from behind the cover to check the foreground. I was hoping they'd finally eat this guy and go away. how stupid I was, because still a few were eating but the rest of their friends were walking around anyway. One, in addition, stood centrally in the middle of the exit gate. With each passing moment, it began to seem to me that these damned creatures were somehow intelligent after all. That exit was gone, so she began to creep gently behind the next car and try to get to the back. There may have been a back exit from the facility. I was already behind another cover and was about to head to the next car to hide behind, when suddenly I heard a snort in front of me. I stopped in time. Again, I looked carefully to get my bearings, to spot two more weirdos wandering between the cars. I hid again and pulled out the knife Tommy had given me. It's a small thing and the chances are small that I can deal with two monsters and what to say about five more if I'm not mistaken of the creatures that are behind me. But I'm not going to get caught without a fight.

I heard these things coming closer and closer. Keep the knife ready to take out the first one who comes near me. One of them took its steps closer and closer, then also hit the car. Very close to me, so I already twitched in fear and even almost moaned. I've been waiting for this freak to come within my reach. But then something happened that few would have expected. Namely, I heard something approaching at dizzying speed in the distance. I didn't have to wait long until I heard something hit the gate, breaking it off its hinges. It was literally a godsend as these freaks headed towards the noise. I didn't believe in my luck myself. I peeked through the hood of the car to see what was going on. I saw a large truck enter the hospital area. At first glance, it was an ordinary truck with an equally ordinary large trailer. The creatures rushed at him, scraping against the walls of the container, until suddenly there was a thud of the door opening. These creatures immediately started to run at the back of the truck, before a soldier in a black uniform appeared, aimed his rifle at the approaching creatures and then fired several shots, after which each of them fell dead to the ground. I couldn't believe my luck when I saw more monsters running towards them getting shot in the head by three more soldiers in black uniforms, who were slowly securing the area around the entrance to the building. I was kind of lucky because these freaks threatened me, but on the other hand, something about these guys just didn't sit right with me. I got a better look at them. They stood and in one place in a row so I had a better view. as I mentioned earlier, they wore black uniforms without any markings or flags, and their bulletproof vests were slightly lighter in color, while their faces were covered with S10 gas masks and dark gray tactical helmets. On the soldiers of the National Guard or even the US Army. They looked more like the Black Ops I associated with Half-Lifa, so showing up to them was the last thing on my mind. Then suddenly I saw something, and that something was the symbol on the waistcoats in the form of a white triangle with lines to the center of the figure. I immediately associated with this strange symbol of the seal from those documents in the secret laboratory.

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