Chapter 71 - 80

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ʚChapter 71 Revolt

    Either perish in silence, or erupt in silence. Those who were holding the child and looking for the child all stopped their movements and raised their heads to look at Chu Ning on the second floor.

    As the first warrior raised his arm high and shouted that he was unwilling, the others also raised their powerful arms!

    "I don't want to!"

    "I don't want to either!"

    "We want to resist!"

    "We don't want to be dogs!"

    "We want to be human! Be upright!"

    The fighting spirit of the crowd was instantly aroused, and Maya began to feel scared in front of her little brothers. She retreated under the cover, but due to the front and rear pincers, she had no way to retreat.

    There are killing sounds everywhere!

    The entire villa was filled with people's anger and howling!

    The number of younger brothers around Ma Ya became less and less, and some of them were confused in their minds, not knowing what to do, and then they were stabbed in the chest by the angry person above.

    Some simply raised their knives and stabbed at the brothers beside them. At this time, saving their lives is the kingly way, who cares which side they stand on!

    Maya's pistol had run out of bullets at this time, she threw the gun aside, took a dagger from her pocket, and fought with the chaotic crowd.

    As the little brothers around her kept defecting or being killed, her stubborn resistance became more and more like a joke.

    Until the end, the people around her were killed and Ma Ya was finally forced to a corner of the villa by the crowd.

    At this moment, the mink coat on her body was torn, and the bun on her head was hanging loosely behind her head. The exquisite earrings on her ears were pulled away by someone in the chaos, and the earlobes were torn apart. A gap, the blood was frozen, it looked like a beautiful red gem!

    " don't come here!"

    Ma Ya held a knife and kept waving it, trying to push back the crowd that was gradually approaching her.

    Suddenly, someone in the crowd threw a stone at Ma Ya, and because of good aim, it hit her forehead directly, and blood flowed down instantly!

    Then, more and more people picked up the bricks that fell off the wall of the villa from the ground and threw them at her.

    About 10 minutes later, Maya was stoned to death by angry people!

    The moment Maia fell to the ground and died, the crowd cried out again. They had been enslaved for so long, and they were finally liberated!

    But before everyone had time to be happy, three beams of strong light suddenly shot over from the three roads leading to the villa area on the west side, all focusing on the villa where Chu Ning was located.

    Under the lights, there were so many reinforcements that it was impossible to count them all!

    "Hahahaha, it looks like we are going to die tonight, but we are not at a loss if we can kill the third leader of the Longwu Gang before we die!" A man in the crowd shouted with a smile


    "Yeah, I was a real person before I died, it's worth it!" "

    That's right, even before the weather was not extreme, I didn't live as happily as today, so just die, it doesn't matter!" "

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