Chapter 191 - 200

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ʚChapter 191 Peach Blossom Land

    After driving on the road for a few more days, Jiang Zhi finally arrived at the Gongba Canyon.

    Gongba Canyon is actually a break in a plain with a height of more than 600 meters. From a distance, this plain is as straight as if it had been slashed by a god with an axe.

    And the name of this god is Gongba, so this place is also called Gongba Canyon.

    If you want to continue to the north, you can only pass through the canyon in the middle, otherwise you will have to detour for several days.

    From the map, the Arlian village mentioned on the kettle is in the middle of the canyon.

    There is a half-natural and half-artificial trail cut out of the canyon. The trail is very slender on the map. Jiang Zhiben thought that if the scale was enlarged, the trail would be much larger.

    But when he got to the middle of the canyon, Jiang Zhi realized that the entrance was really small, and Jiang Zhi's RV only took up one and a half driveways.

    The trail is not only small, but also dilapidated, as if no one has been there for a hundred years.

    But after entering, Jiang Zhi knew what it means to be "very narrow at the beginning, but to understand people. After walking for dozens of steps, it suddenly became clear."

    Because it was in the canyon, most of the harsh sunlight was blocked, and with the wind in the canyon, the temperature never changed. The venomous 50 degrees dropped to more than 30 degrees, even if the air conditioner was not turned on, Jiang Zhi could accept it.

    The trail was not as straight as it was marked on the map. After Jiang Zhi drove for half an hour and turned several turns, she saw a green pine tree on the side of the road. Under the pine tree, there was fermented cow and sheep dung. become fat.

    Jiang Zhi immediately picked up the water bottle, got out of the car, and put the car into the space.

    "I'm afraid there are still people living in this place."

    Jiang Zhi kicked the kettle into her arms and walked forward.

    Jiang Zhi's speed was not slow. Soon, she saw a little girl with a thick braid on the back of her head. She was probably wearing their national costume, and she was pulling a pony pulling a cart. The horse walked forward, and what was in the cart was the fertilizer under the pine tree.

    The little girl also seemed to be aware of someone behind her. She turned her head, and when she saw Jiang Zhi, a trace of panic flashed in her eyes, but when she saw the water bottle in Jiang Zhi's arms, her panic turned into surprise again.

    As she backed away, she yelled "Abu, Abu" and the like, and she didn't even care about the pony, so she ran back in a hurry.

    Jiang Zhi also followed curiously, and not long after, dozens of ordinary people walked in the direction where the little girl disappeared.

    When they saw that it was Jiang Zhi who came, they couldn't help but feel disappointed in their eyes, but after seeing the water bottle the little girl mentioned, they couldn't help crying again.

    The woman walking in the front stepped forward and said something to Jiang Zhi. Realizing that Jiang Zhi was not from her own country, the woman shouted a few times behind her, and a little girl about 11 years old timidly stepped forward.

    "Are you from Huaguo?" The Chinese spoken by the little girl was not fluent, and it sounded very stiff.

    "I am!"

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