The land without rain

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Hello. My name is Bianca DiAngelo. I was born in the 20s and kidnapped from the lotus casino. A year ago I visited a military school in Washington D.C. called Westover Hall. I am the daughter of Maria DiAngelo. My father is a greek God. We just don't know who. I have a brother. Nico. He's younger. He needs me.

I open my eyes. I'm still in this damn desert. It's been three days since I defend Telos. I barely survived and crawled away. I've heard Percy, Thalia, Grover and Zoë shouting and crying, but I couldn't make any noise, I couldn't move or do anything else to show them in alive. When the sun has risen, they left and went on. I laid down and slept. All I could do was sleeping and crying. My whole body has hurt and it still hurts.

Three days I couldn't stand up, just lay and sit. I'm hungry, so I try to get up and it really works.

"Thank gods," I cry, while putting one step after the other. After a few steps I fall down. My body hurts worse than before. Tears are running down my face and I can't hinder a cry.

Nico, I remember, I have to stay strong for Nico. He needs me, he's just a kid.

My whole body works against me, but I force myself to stand up and walk faster. He needs me. I have to eat something or I famish. I hope the next village isn't that far away.

I stumble over something and fall. I look angrily what has made me fall, but all I find was a little gold statue. It looks familiar, but I can't remember where I've seen it before.

I grab it and put it in my pocket. With one hand around it, I stand up -again- and fight with every step, but without getting slower.

I have to go back to Nico and would do anything to master this, no matter how hard it'll be.

"I promise," I say, "I'll find my way back to you, little brother."

I look up and see smoke. A fire, I think, or even a house?

I walk faster, new energy runs through me. "I promise!"


"What you you mean with 'no space'," I shout at the man, who stands in the door. "There is enough space!"

"I have no space for a stranger. Especially not for a rude girl like you," the man says with very red head and closes the door with a loud BOOM!

"K," I say. Then I speak louder, "But if they find my dead body in your garden, because I died of hunger, they'll ask a lot of questions!"

Like I aspected the doors open, but it isn't the angry man. It's s young woman with dirty blonde hair and green eyes and a smile on her face. "You have to be hungry, my dear. Come in, eat something!"

I'm not sure if I should go, but the smell of food don't let me think clearly.
I look at the ground while walking in, just following the smell of BBQs and Hamburgers. At the moment nothing else matters. Not that the woman locks the door and suddenly has snakes instead of hair on her head . . .

Wait! What? Snakes? I look around and see the rude man. He is just a statue of stone. I look at her face in the mirror and just freeze shocked and in panic. My eyes are wide open till I think, that I maybe have to close them if I don't want to end up as stone.

The nice lady isn't a nice lady. She's nobody less than the gorgon Medusa.
Well, shit!

Biancas Story (a Percy Jackson Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now