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That's what the headlines screamed.

And they were right...for the most part. Juniper Carvalho had been pronounced dead for 3 minutes and 12 seconds before Stewy Hosseini brought her back. Her heart had stopped and her breath was gone, and 5 months later, she still hadn't gotten it back. In fact, she wondered how she'd ever breathed without bones that squeezed on her lungs. Hands that clasped around her chest. Romulus Roy had given her the answer once ━━━━━━ though, of course, he had been joking. It didn't matter. The imagery was equally disturbing. Behind the remarkable body that was her own (Roman's words, not hers), her mother kept her alive. With cruel hands and a grip so tight, she pumped her daughter's heart until they beat to the same wretched rhythm.

So you can imagine that Juni's fall from grace had been the least bit pretty.

      Sentenced to three months in a mental health facility and life to the title of family disappointment, Juniper thought things couldn't get much worse.

Until she was made Roman Roy's assistant.

      You see, Juni's latest scandal ━━━━━━ yes, dying had been written off a scandal, meant she had to be killed. Metaphorically, of course (don't get any ideas, Juniper!). Her mother, precious shareholder of Waystar Royco, alongside the big bad CEO, Logan Roy, needed to keep her out of the limelight. And what better way to thwart off trouble than to stick her with his useless son, Roman? Imprisoned together, the twisted pair could hardly cause more turbulence...right?

. . . RIGHT?

as ──────


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THE KILLING JAR ─── successionWhere stories live. Discover now