The Great American Melting Cat

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Once they were out of the Dark Forest, Catalina finally relaxed. Flame was pretty fast even though he was carrying a passenger, and Cat was enjoying the scenery racing past her.

"So, where are we going?" Cat yelled over the rushing wind.

"I don't know," Flame slowed a little as he replied. "Where do you want to go?"

Catalina didn't really have an answer for him. She had no idea where she was or where anything else was. A vague feeling she was forgetting something important hung in the back of her mind, but then her stomach rumbled and she realized how hungry she was. "Why don't we get something to eat?" Flame nodded and sped up again.

About ten stomach rumbles later, Flame slowed and walked over to a tall tree with a thick, golden trunk, identical to all the rest of them. How did Flame know where he was going? Even if she had lived in the forest all her life, she was sure she would still get lost. Maybe Flame was lost but just didn't want to admit it. After all, he was male, just in the form of a wolf.

The tree's canopy didn't provide much shade from the scorching sun, considering how the light reflected off of their limbs with an intensity that had Cat longing for her sunglasses. She hadn't even realized they had fallen off.

The instant she sat down, Flame dashed off into the woods without warning. Catalina tried calling after him, but he seemed to ignore her and kept going.

Catalina tried to convince herself that he was just getting food, but, after several minutes of trying to distract herself from the feeling of her body slowly melting, she began to worry that he had left her. Someone called out to her from a distance and she felt herself falling over. She heard her name one more time before passing out from the heat.

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