Fright in the Night

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Cat reacted like an actual cat. She jumped a clear foot off the ground. A laugh came from behind her. It was slow and cold and menacing. Catalina shivered, but whether it was from the chilly night air or the chilly voice, she couldn't say.

"Now, now, no need to be frightened," the voice said coolly. Cat stood completely still as if that voice had frozen her in place. She was clutching her knife and preparing her next move.

She could run through the forest in circles until she lost whatever the voice belonged to. She seemed to be pretty good at getting lost anyway. Cat turned that idea down though because she realized they probably knew the forest better than she did and would only be angrier when they caught her again.

Maybe it was just another animal that she could hear. But what kind of animal would sound like that? Even though the voice seemed inhumanly cold, there was no way such cruelty and evil could be trapped in an animal.

How would she escape without Flame? Hadn't she known something like this would happen if she left him? Maybe this time he would simply save her again like he had last time. Yes, that was it. He hadn't found her earlier because she hadn't been in any real danger, but now that she was, he would rescue her. After all, even though she had a weapon, she had no idea how to use it.

Smack! Oh, how many times do I have to pass out today? Another hit and I'll never wake up, Cat thought as she sank to her knees. In the midst of the darkness hovering before her fluttering eyelids, something white emerged. "Cat!" he called. Looking behind her, he yelled, "You bloody witch! What have you-?" He never finished what he was saying because a volt of black energy struck him in the chest, and he collapsed in a fit of spasms.

Blood from her head mixed with tears in Cat's eyes as she reached out to Flame. She was touched that he had really come for her, just like she believed he would. A little too late, but he had come and that's what counted.

Smack! This time Catalina didn't have any time to think before her eyes finally shut and she sank into total unconsciousness.

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