15- Translator

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Great. Just great.

The only time I had decided to get out of this shithole, my car had to be fucking broken. I don't know how the hell the tire had a goddamn hole in it, but it was getting on my nerves. Whoever bastard did that to my car- since it's impossible for something like that to happen on its own- seems to have a lot of courage.

But now definitely wasn't the time to think about murder, it was time to think about the party I'm throwing for my beloved aunt. Aunt Dina had basically took the job of being my mother after my mom died, and I couldn't have been more grateful.

Of course, no one- absolutely no one- could hold my mothers place, but she was different. She was there for my panic attacks, my overwhelming periods, she helped me get through all my exams- both easy and hard- never missed any of Kareem's hockey matches, and made us feel so worthy all the fucking time.

She might be the reason I'm this spoiled, but hey, at least I'm grateful for it. Right? "Hey dad" i say as I enter the kitchen, the sharp smell of cinnamon hitting my nose. My eyes shoot up as my dad carefully placed a metal tray into the oven, my senses coming back to me.

I smile. "Your making cinnamon rolls?" I ask as he turns around and shoots me a smile. "You know they both love them" his only reply making my smile stretch. My mom and my aunt were both killers for anything cinnamon flavored.

Tost, rolls, even ice cream which was fairly too good. My mom and my aunt were obsessed. It was like their whole personality. Must be the reason we eat anything cinnamon related on any occasion. Christmas, birthdays, Halloween and even on all 3 of our graduations.

"You ok honey? I can exceptionally give you one after they're baked if you promise not to tell your brother?" He says pulling me out of my thoughts. I smile as I breathe in the scent. "It's ok dad, and he'll find out one way or another and I don't want to be murdered tonight, so no thanks. I'll wait till the party" he gives me a reassuring smile.

I head up to my bedroom, toss my bag onto my bed, and open the windows. I'd gotten really hot ever since I got in Nico's car, and was dying to take a shower. Plus, I had to get ready for Dina's surprise birthday tonight.

Just as I was going in the shower, I get a call from Kareem. "Hey what's u-" I start off but looks like he'd hit other plans. "Nad I don't know what to do. He's- Nicos having a panic attack and I-fuck, he keeps on saying the same words over and over I-fuck please help me" alright what the fuck?

My body gets covered with shock. Panic attack? Oh fuck, he still gets those? He was fine just a minute ago what the fuck? "Ok calm down buddy, I need you to tell me where you are" he mutters something about police station, and I remember where Nicos dad used to work at. "I'll be right there"
After I park in front of the station, I quickly run as fast as someone could run in high heels. I spot a big crowed at the corner of the lobby, and start walking there. As I push through the people, I find my brother shaking and telling someone to calm down, and Nicos mom crying next to him.


I kneel down as I keep my eyes on Nico, his head between his hands and his mouth moving frantically. He was saying someone but I couldn't fucking hear it from the crowd. Kareem notices me as he looks at me with begging eyes. I turn back to Nico, who had shut his eyes so tight it looked like they were about to pop any minute now.

"Hey!" I shout as everyone turns to look at me. "Can everyone be quite for one second please. I have to hear what he's saying" everyone nods in agreement as I tell them to give us some space. "Hey buddy" i whisper as I kneel closer to him.

As I get closer I now hear him loud and clear, and he kept on saying the same words over and over again. "Por favor ayúdame, por favor ayúdame" What does that even mean? Why is he speaking spanis-Oh. My. God.

*8 Years Ago- Flashback*
I walk quickly into the hospital with mommy as I wipe my eyes with the back of my hand. I hope ur isn't too bad. Mom said he would be ok. He has to be ok.
Mom spots a room then suddenly holds my hand tightly as we start running towards the room. She knocks on the door, and Ms. Graham appears behind the door when it opens. Her eyes looked bad and she had eye bags.

Mom hugs her as I slowly walk pass them, and see Nicholas lying down on the hospital bed, looking out if the window beside him. His face looked red from crying. Why was he crying? His face suddenly turns to me, and he looks like he's about to start crying again.

I feel like I'm about to starts crying. I let go if my backpack and run to him, as i wrap my arms around him. He puts his arms around me, and I can still hear him crying. "What happened Nick? What did you do?" I whisper as he keeps on crying into my hair.

I can feel my shoulder getting wetter and wetter, but if it makes him feel better he can cry. I pull away as he dries his eyes. "I don't know. I swear I don't know. I was on stage with all the others and it was my turn to present but suddenly- suddenly I couldn't breath and then I-i thought I was going to die Nad. I was so nervous this morning but I could t tell you when my mom was there" he says trying not to cry.

"Hey. Your ok. I wish I was there. Why didn't you tell me you were nervous before?" I ask putting my hand on his. He take sun a deep breath as I realize my mom and Ms. Graham left the room. "I didn't want mom to know I'm nervous. Or that husband if hers. That would be embarrassing. I thought nothing would happen if I kept it to myself" he says.

Poor Nico. I smile at him. "Hey. There's nothing to be embarrassed about, but if it still bothers you, I have an idea. Whenever you want to tell me that you're in trouble, or you want help, we could just communicate in another language. A Language our parents wouldn't understand. What do you think?" I offer as he squeezes my hands tighter.

His ocean blue eyes look up at me as the smallest smile in the word appears. There's my best friend. "Ok. But that would probably mean I have yk carry around my phone all day so I can translate everything I go through to you, won't that bother you" he says laughing slightly. I smile.

"You could never bother me Nicholas."

*Back In Time*

"Cálmate Nicholas, estoy aquì" his eyes suddenly shoot up to me. I guess taking extra Spanish lessons finally payed off. I put both my hands on his cheeks making him focus on me. "Estás bien, estás a salvo" i whisper. God, those eyes never change do they? Not the slightest bit. His breathing slows down as he shuts his eyes again.

He rests his head against the wall, as I back down al little. When he opens his eyes once again, that vulnerability and softness I had just saw had disappeared. He looks around as he spots his mom, keeping his eyes on her. Not even giving a shit that I was sitting next to him, he gets up quickly, as his mom wraps his arms around him.

"Are you okay, my love? Oh god I knew we had to lay that doctor a visit-" he stops her.

"I'm ok mom"

And just like that he send Mrs. Walton- Zeinas dad- a look, as he disappears into those dark corridors once again with him. What the actual fuck?

As his mom helps me up, she thanks me over and over again, as my brother places a kiss onto my forehead and leads me outside. So much for being kind huh?

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