Eye Of The Beholder PT 2

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"Get us out of here!" Fishlegs shouts as the group is screaming while still in the cage as the ship is sinking.

"Hiccup!" Snotlout shouts.

"Seriously! Help us!" Alexis shouts as Dulce is roaring panickedly before Hiccup arrives on Toothless beside the cage.

"Move back from the door! Toothless plasma blast." Hiccup says as everyone moves back before Toothless fires a blast at the door and sees it does nothing.

"Dragon-proof bars? Oh fascinating." Fishlegs says impressed.

"Whoever built this ship really knew what they were doing." Hiccup says impressed.

"Admire the ship owner's work later boys. Get us outta here Hiccup!" Alexis shouts worriedly.

"Dulce, Toothless fire at it together! We need more firepower. Guys dragon calls!" Hiccup says as Dulce and Toothless attack the cage as it does nothing before everyone begins calling their dragons back.

"Really!?" Alexis asks as the eels come back and begin attacking Toothless, Dulce, and Hiccup.

"Why'd it have to be eels?!" Snotlout asks as Hiccup manages to pry the door open before the group begins hanging onto the ship as the other dragons arrive allowing the group to make it to safety on their dragons.

"That was way too close." Fishlegs says as Alexis nods in agreement.

"Hiccup what are we doing?" Astrid asks as Hiccup looks at her.

"You guys go back to Berk. I'm going after Dagur. Whatever that cylinder-looking thing is I know one thing for sure... it shouldn't be in his hands." Hiccup says as he flies off on Toothless.


"Have you ever seen anything like this Dragon Eye before?" Hiccup asks as Gobber is straining to get the cylinder object open after Hiccup got it back from Dagur.

"Dragon Eye? How do you know it's called a Dragon Eye?" Tuffnut asks as he looks at Hiccup.

"Because I named it." Hiccup says bluntly.

"Whoa whoa. Aren't we supposed to vote on stuff like that?" Snotlout asks.

"Fine. All in favour say Dragon Eye." Hiccup asks.

"Dragon Eye." Everyone says in union but Snotlout.

"Just wanted to make sure we voted." Snotlout says as Gobber is still trying to open the Dragon Eye.

"Can you open it Gobber?" Alexis asks as Gobber looks at her.

"Can I open it? I once opened a 500-year-old giant clam at the bottom of the ocean with my bare hook. Can I open it? Ha! I think it's going to be... Huh. Aha." Gobber says as a dart shoots out from the Dragon Eye and hits Tuffnut in the chest.

"Ugh. What is that? That looks like a..." Tuffnut says before he passes out on the floor with Ruffnut laughing at him.

"Well that was... something.. Maybe." Gobber says.

"And I think I'm going to stay over here." Alexis says as she shifts to wolf form and lays down behind a table while looking at Gobber from behind the table.

"Oh come on lass. It won't happen again." Gobber says as Alexis stays put.

"Gobber maybe you shouldn't..." Hiccup says as Gobber continues to fiddle with the Dragon Eye.

"Trust me. I'm... It's all right." Gobber says as Tuffnut sits up before the Dragon Eye spews green gas.

"I'm okay. I got hit with something but now... No scratch that." Tuffnut says as he breaths in the gas and falls back onto the floor spasming.

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