chapter two; my sunshine

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The sun was busy casting its warm glow as we walked across the bustling campus, my heart aflutter with anticipation while my parents and Larry helped drag my suitcases and boxes full of cherished possessions to my new dorm room. I couldn't help but let my eyes have a glimpse of the big towers that surrounded the compound of the school.
"What was the number again?"
My mum queried as we stepped into the humming dormitory building, her eyes scanning through rows of the numbered doors.
"It should be 254," I revealed.
"My good God! Doesn't this school have a prefect guard to take us straight to the dorm. For how long are we going to scan this rooms looking for a 254!" Larry snapped.
"I wonder son. This isn't a good welcome for my princesses," Dad retorted.
Not uttering a word, I was immersed in silence, thinking of how tired my parents might be at this point. I just wanted us to arrive at the damn room so that they can have a rest, especially my mum whose face was about to turn pale due to long exposure to sunshine.
"Welcome to our dormitory, Jasmine. I'm Ethan. It is my pleasure to lead you to your room,"
A voice carrying a tone of genuine enthusiasm snapped me out of my mind, and there stood a friendly and approachable boy who looked like a upperclassman, with a gold budge titled prefect guard. He held a clipboard in his hand filled with information for incoming students.
"What kept you so long, dude?" Larry demanded.
"I'm sorry for coming late. I had an urgent meeting at the other side of the hall," He elucidated in a neutral voice.
"I see here that you have been assigned to room 254. Let me show you the way,"
"Please do," Mum muttered.
He motioned for us to follow him as he led us down a well-lit hallway, sounds of chatters and laughter echoing in the air. As we walked, I could see young girls who seemed to be in their late puberty throwing glances and smirks at Larry, but he seemed to be too tired to reciprocate.
Finally, we arrived at room 254. Ethan paused and turned towards me with a smile. "Here we are, your new home for the semester. You will be sharing this room with a roommate, who I believe is yet to arrive."
He opened the door, revealing a neatly arranged cozy room. My heart skipped a beat as I took in the sight of my new living quarters.
"Thank you so much, Ethan," I beamed.
Ethan nodded, his smile widening.
"If you ever need any assistance or have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out. We are here to make your college experience as memorable as possibl,"
"Sure thing,"
With that, Ethan bid us farewell, leaving me to settle into my new room.
As we all took a step inside, my dad and Larry took a sit near the widow with a plush armchair and a bookshelf filled with literary treasures, While my mum and I started unpacking my belongings as I took in a clear view of the room.
The walls were painted a soothing shade of light blue, with a low lighting that casted a tranquil ambience. Soft, cream sheer curtains adorned the window, allowing gentle rays of sunlight to filter through and create dancing patterns on the floor. Against the wall stood two twin beds, neatly made with fresh sheets and fluffy pillows ready to embrace us in sweet slumbers. On the opposite side of the room, two compact yet functional wardrobe offered ample space for my roommate and I to organize our belongings.
Excitements radiated through the air as we unpacked my belongings, carefully arranging them in the closet on the left side near my bed to create a sense of comfort in this unfamiliar space. My mum lovingly unfolded each garment and placed them neatly in the closet, while I carefully positioned my favorite books on the shelf.
Where is that poster of you and Atter, the one that normally rests on the wall of your room? Let me help you hang it here,"
Larry put forth as he rose from the seat he had occupied near my dad.
"Did you pack the Nicki Minaj poster? It will look good here," He added as he pointed towards the space near the books shelf.
"I have something that belong to you princess," Dad sang out.
I immediately turned my gaze towards him.
"Dad! You carried that. You know how terrible it looks," I gushed at him playfully.
"I love it though, very much,"
I imparted as I walked towards the portrait in my dad's hands. A sketch of me that he drew on my 14th birthday. On the upper front of it lied a poem, that is ever etched in my mind. It read.
You are my sunshine,
Radiant and divine,
Forever you will shine.
I remember vividly staring at the portrait while reading out the poem for the first time when he handed it to me. With each line, my heart bloomed like a delicate flower. It was a precious gift, not just in words and the image, but in the emotions they carried. It was a tangible reminder that I'm cherished, valued and forever embraced in his love.
"Hunny, that will destroy the elegance of the room," Mum interjected before dad could say a word.
"No it won't, let me show you," He said as he walked to hang it on the wall.
If it wasn't from my dad, I swear I would have shredded it into pieces. But I marveled at the efforts my dad used to make it look perfect, though not artistic.
As I stood in the middle of my new abode, it exuded a sense of youthful energy. The shelves were adorned with childhood photographs I took with my family and others with Atter. They were a collection of cherished memories from my past and a reminder of my loved ones that I had left behind. The poster adorned on the wall showcased my eclectic taste in music and art. I loved the new look of the room. It reflected my essence, a collage of memories and dreams waiting to unfold. I couldn't help but feel a mixture of excitement, appreciation and a deep sense of gratitude for the space that was about to become my home away from home.
Once the last box was emptied and each item placed in its right position, we all sat on the twin sized bed, letting our memories dance along the memory lane, laughter filling the room. My heart swelled with gratitude for my parent's unwavering support and the opportunity they had provided me. It was a moment I would not let go off my heart.
"Before we leave, shall we take a stroll around the compound and have a clear view of the university, dearests?"
"Of course, Honey." Dad replied.
"Thank God! I can now use this chance and my newfound energy to gaze upon those captivating lil'shawties." Larry soothed as he stepped outside the room, while I erupted in laughter before my mum threw us a glance.
As the day wore on, we ventured out to explore the university grounds. Hand in hand, we strolled along the pathways lined with ancient trees, their leaves whispering stories of generation pasts, old buildings bearing marks of time passage and tales untold while new and buffing faces widened with wonder, captivated by the enchanting glimpse of the buildings that would be our academic haven for the next few years, while others looked so relaxed, throwing mischievous glances at us.
"Whoa! That's a very huge space for tennis. Don't forget you are our tennis star, Jas!" Larry exclaimed.
"I know right, though I don't know if I still hold the spark, I haven't had a training leave a lone a match for a while now."
"Keep making us proud, princess." My dad beamed.
"Don't forget to enroll to a poetry and literature club honey."
My mother is a literature enthusiast, deeply rooted in the world of verses. While I wouldn't say I despise it, I haven't quite immersed myself in it, but I always appreciate her gently nudging me to follow in her footsteps.
"Sure mum, I will." I said in a delightful grin.
"We should be on our way back home dear. We are happy for the milestone you have covered. As you embark on this journey, follow your passions, embrace new experiences and never be afraid to ask for help when you need it. We believe in you and your abilities. Take care of yourself, study hard and enjoy every moment. We love you and will always be here for you no matter what. Good luck sweetheart." Mum crowed, rubbing off a tear that was escaping her left eye.
I didn't know what to say. A mix of emotions swelled within me, my eyes glistering with tears.
"Believe in yourself and your abilities. Never settle for anything less than the love and respect that you deserve. Always focus on your personal growth and remember to make right decisions, princess."
"Aaauh, dad."
"I know college is gonna be an incredible journey for you. Embrace the adventure and make unforgettable memories. Don't forget to take breaks and have fun along the way. Love you always, Sis." Larry concluded as he pulled me in for a hug, and suddenly my parents stood, enveloping me in hugs too.
I took a moment to absorb their words, feeling the weight of their unwavering love, support and beliefs in my abilities.
As we hugged tightly one last time, I couldn't help but feel a pang of homesickness already creeping in. I whispered a heartfelt "thank you" into their ears, knowing that their unwavering support would be my pillar of strength in the days to come.
I broke into sobs thinking how my life away from my family was going to be. But it was now time to face this. As they departed, heading towards the car, I bid them goodbye with a feeble wave, letting the well that has been building in my eyes to finally collapse, allowing the tears to flow freely.
With tearful smiles, my parents and Larry finally left, their car fading into the distance. After several minutes of replaying the memories I had shared with them, I took in a deep breath and stepped inside my dorm room, anticipations of a new beginning tingling in the air. My mind swirled with a whirlwind of emotions. The room felt empty and silent, and the reality of being on my own started to sink in.
Just as a wave of melancholy threatened to consume me, a thought crossed my mind. "Shit, I haven't heard from Atter. Wait a minute, where did I put my phone?" I muttered to myself, a hint of worry tugging at my thoughts while I went through the well-arranged shelves and cabinet in search of it. And there it was, silently laying in my tote bag. As I glanced at my phone, my heart skipped a beat as countless missed calls from Atter starred back at me. How could I have been so careless and forgotten to check my phone.
With trembling hands, I dialed Atter's number, my anxiety growing with each ring. When he finally answered, his voice carried a mixture of relief and concern.
"I have been desperately trying to reach you. Where have you been?'
'I'm sorry love. I got caught up with excitements of settling in. I didn't check my phone."
Guilt washed over me as I apologized profusely, my voice filled with remorse.
"Where are you, have you arrived at the university premises? I can pick you at the gate."
I soothed.
"No, love. I left the moment you didn't pick my calls. And Larry's phone was off. I thought you were mad at me and didn't want to see me because I was late. So, I decided to leave, hoping to give you space and return when you have had a chance to calm down. I had deep desire to be there for you during this new chapter of your life, but it seemed my presence wasn't invited."
He confessed in a flat and calm tone.
"What are you saying, love?
I uttered with a trembling voice, tears shining in my eyes. My heartache was evident as I struggled to understand what he was saying. I choked back the overwhelming emotions before finally mustering the strength to erupt.
"You know how bad I wanted you to be here with me. I know it was my fault I didn't pick up the call but that wasn't an enough reason for you to drive away without us seeing each other.
I said in the middle of sobs.
"I'm sorry love. I'll talk to you later. I'm still driving."
No, wait! Hello?" I exclaimed, desperately hoping to salvage the connection before it slipped away.
The abrupt silence echoed in my ears as the line disconnected from the other end.
I sank on the edge of my dorm bed, tears streaming down my face. I couldn't hold back the overwhelming waves of sadness and anger as the weight of the moment pressed heavily upon my chest. Atter, my supposed rock, had failed to show up despite his promise. I felt a mix of heartbreak and fury coursing through my veins.
I sobbed uncontrollably, my body trembling with each sob. How could he do this to me? We had planned this visit, and I highly anticipated seeing him, feeling his warm embrace and hearing his comforting words. But he fails to show up. I couldn't comprehend how he could disregard our plans, leaving me to bear the weight of our shattered plans and hope.
Questions swirled in my mind, each one fueling anger. Wasn't I important enough? Did he not care about my feelings? The hurt turned unbearable.
As I sat there, lost in my own sea of emotions, feeling lost while letting tears stream down my face, a knock echoed through the room, interrupting the stillness as the door swung open.
I hurriedly brushed away my tears, steadying myself as I rose to face the figure that was struggling with their belongings.
"Oh no dear, have you been crying?" She asked as she gave me a deep look in the eyes.
At first, a twinge of offense crept into my thoughts, questioning how she could intrude on my emotions. How did he manage to realize I was crying, despite my attempts to hide them?
"Ooh no. What's wrong sweety? Don't tell me you are already feeling homesick. Though, Its completely normal to miss home, especially during the early days of college," she said, her voice laced with a mix of surprise and concern.
I then realized that her perceptiveness stemmed from genuine care and empathy, rather than mere nosiness.
With a cautious smile I replied, "Oh no, it's nothing serious. Just a momentary wave of nostalgia, thinking about my family back at home. I'll be fine, don't worry." I lied. How am I to tell my stranger, who I think is my roommate that I am crying because my boyfriend who was to come didn't show up.
"Don't worry, everything will be ok. I'm here for you, and we will get through it together," Welcome to the 'University of Choice'."
She said with a comforting smile which made me feel a glimmer of warmth within and think of her being not really a bad roommate after all.
"I'm Monica by the way. I am a second year student, and I'm your roommate." She introduced herself, extending a friendly hand towards me. Im studying Journalism and mass communication, and I love exploring different cultures through food and travel. Oh, and im a huge fan of football, baking and chess."
Her genuine smile eased the tension within me, as I realized that this unexpected connection might be a true friendship that was about to bloom.
I gave a slight laugh. "Hey Monica. I'm Jasmine. A fresher you know," I replied with a playful smile. "I'll be taking finance as my major. Oh, and I'm also a huge fan of football and poetry. If you ever catch me cheering for my favorite team or lost in the lines of a beautiful poem, you will know why. I'm excited to meet you and getting to know you.
We busted into laughter, the sound filling the room with pure joy.
"To new adventures and memories," She said amidst the laughter, extending her hand for a high five. I gladly reciprocated, our palms connecting with a satisfying clap, a twinkle of excitement in her eyes.
As she continued to arrange her belongings, I pulled a chair by the reading table to go through the literature treasures that adorned the nearby shelves. While engrossed in the pages before me, I couldn't help but steal glances at Monica. Her beauty seemed to be a work of art that demanded admiration. Her petite yet elegant frame accentuated by gentle curves carries an air of grace wherever she goes. Her long black hair cascaded in waves, flowing with natural vibrancy. Her eyes sparkled as it held a captivating depth, its colors shifting between shades of mesmerizing hazel and vibrant grey. Her radiant smile lit up the room, reflecting the genuine warmth and kindness that seemed to reside within her.
"Hot bath is now available. It will be off in the next 1 hour," She interrupted, her words breaking my gaze from her captivating presence.
"You can go take a shower before we head for supper."
I nodded with a smile, appreciating the opportunity to freshen up before our next adventure together.
It was 7 o'clock when I stepped in the shower. I stood under its warm embrace, allowing the soothing water to cascade over my body. As the calmness enveloped me, my thoughts drifted back to the memories of Atter. Each scrub and wash seemed to awaken the emotions of the day as tears mingled with the cascading water, tracing a path down my cheek. I allowed myself release the tears and embraced the rawness of those memories.
As I stepped out of the washroom, I carried with me the remnants of my emotional release. I made peace with the fact that Atter was not here by my side, holding on to a thin thread of hope that our paths would only interact again at the end of the semester. Though it was a bittersweet realization, I chose to focus on the present moment.
Within a short while, I emerged from the room, dressed comfortably in grey sweat pants adorned with the distinctive 'PHYDILIA" logo across the chest with my phone in my hands. Completing the look, I slipped into a pair of comfortable black slides, my hair expertly combed backwards, and a black cap on my head, allowing its bream to conceal my swollen eyes. With a blend of style and practicality, I embraced a sense of confidence as I ventured out, Monica by my side, her hair well-polished and tied up, wearing a denim booty short with a black graphic tee and her legs slid into a pair of sleek black sneakers.
We made our way to the restaurant, situated just a short 10-minute walk from the campus. The path we took showcased snippets of the campus scenery, allowing us to appreciate the beauty of our surroundings. Conversations flowed effortlessly as we moved closer to our destination, as laughter intertwined with the gentle breeze.
As we sat down at the restaurant, we perused the menu in search of a light and satisfying meal. Monica raised her hand to grab the attention of the waitress, who promptly approached our table. I decided to order a plate of prawn coconut curry with steamed rice. To complement the flavors, I chose a refreshing glass of mango juice, craving its sweet and tangy taste. Monica, on the other hand, opted for grilled chicken salad with coconut rice. To accompany her meal, she selected a glass of delmonte passion juice, known for its refreshing and natural flavors.
We settled back in our seats, engaging in lively conversations while eagerly awaiting our meals that would satisfy our appetite.
It was 8pm when we left the restaurant and began our leisurely walk back to our room. The evening atmosphere enveloped us, carrying with it a sense of tranquility and the faint whispers of conversations from fellow students. As we strolled along the campus pathways, the soft glow of the streetlights illuminated our way, while the night sky above twinkled with stars, casting a gentle glow upon our path.
"Here we are, at our little haven," Monica marveled as we reached our dormitory building.
I just wanted to ensure you will arrive in our room safe, but I won't be coming in till tomorrow, I have a party to attend to. Do you wanna come with me?"
Monica's words caught me by surprise. I paused for a moment, considering her invitation. A party on my first night at the university sounded enticing. While I was eager to explore and embrace new experience, a part of me longed for a quiet night to settle into my new surrounding and reflect on the day's events.
I mustered a smile and replied, "thank you for the offer, Moniq. It sounds like a fun opportunity to get to know more people. However, I think I'll pass for tonight. I would like to spend some time in our room, relaxing my mind and getting ready for tomorrow. But I appreciate the invitation."
Moniq nodded in understanding. "I thought so too. No worries anyway, I totally understand. Take this time to relax and make yourself comfortable.
"Thanks for understanding," I chimed in.
As I watched Monica leave for her eagerly anticipated party, I inhaled deeply, signaling the end of the day as I prepared to unwind. Making my way to the bathroom, I stood infront of the sink and brushed my teeth, refreshing my mouth. Splashing cool water on my face, I cleansed away the remnants of the day's activities. Returning into my cozy bed, I slipped into comfortable sleepwear. Embracing the soothing embrace of relaxation. I dimmed the lights, ready to sleep, before I heard my phone ring. I reached for it and answered, greeted by the warm smile of my mother on the screen.
"How are you settling in my little bunny. Have you had something to eat? She entreated.
"Hey mum, how is everybody. We went with Moniq for dinner. I'm now in bed, about to sleep." I hinted.
"And who is Moniq, is she a good girl."
We chatted with my mum about everything that had happened for the few hours we had been away from each other.
"Take care of yourself dear, we all send our love," she finally advised.
"I will Maa, say hey to dad and Larry."
I said before she hanged up.
Just as I was about to slip into the realm of dreams, a gentle knock echoed through the silence, pulling me back to wakefulness. Curiosity anced in my eyes as I made my way towards the door, wondering who could be seeking my attention at this late hour.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2023 ⏰

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