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I admired the courtyards of Olympus. They were beautiful. I sighed, the gardens reminded me of Ogygia. Annabeth looked at me strangely, but I shook my head. She didn't let it go that easily. Sighing, I opened my left hand and held it in front of me, palm facing down. I rubbed the middle finger of my other hand from my wrist to my knuckle on top. The sign for empty. She gave me a worried look, glancing at my sister, but she wasn't looking at us, instead admiring the view.

Together, we walked into the Throne Room of the gods.

It was hard to miss the gods, as each of them stood at about ten feet tall and sat on thrones made for someone of that size. The thrones were arranged in a U, the same way the cabins were at Camp. I didn't know most of the gods present, but there were some I recognized or could figure out.

Right at the center of the U was a man with a beard in a blue pinstripe suit who I guessed was Zeus, based on the way Thalia was looking at him. I also recognized Mr. D/Dionysus, who seemed at peace back on his throne. I also saw Apollo and Artemis, who actually seemed equally happy to see each other for once, rather than the one-sided relationship they had previously displayed.

Next to Zeus was a man with a trident that I assumed could only be Poseidon, my father. I wasn't really sure what I expected him to look like, but it definitely wasn't that. Rather than some imposing figure, the earthshaker had beach shorts, a Hawaiian shirt and sandals. One of his hands clutched his gilded trident so hard his knuckles turned white, and the other hand was holding some kind of tropical drink with a slice of lime and a tiny umbrella.

He gave Andy a smile and looked at me. His expression didn't even waver when he saw me. I couldn't tell if that was good or bad.

I didn't recognize anyone else on the council, but way at the side, opposite Dionysus, was a man in dark clothing with slicked-back black hair and a brooding expression. He gave me a curt nod as if we had known each other for a few days.

In front of them all, sitting next to a fire, was a girl about 8 years old. I gave the girl a smile and a wave. She returned them both with a bow of her head. I could guess who that was. Hestia, goddess of the hearth and home.

Kneeling in front of Zeus, was none other than Grover Underwood. He appeared to be telling the gods about the quest. Next to him, swimming in a bubble of water, was the cow serpent I rescued from the fishing net before the quest.

The creature mooed happily when he saw us. This caused Grover to turn, grin happily, and start running to greet us, before wincing and turning to Zeus apologetically. The king of the gods rolled his eyes and waved his hand, allowing the satyr to continue running.

Grover's eyes widened when he saw me. "You're alive?" He asked in shock.

I grinned and nodded, 'I got a bit lost, but I'm back now.'

"One shall be lost in the land without rain," He said dryly. I pulled him into a hug before we all turned to the gods and stepped forward.

I must have seemed nervous because Andy grabbed my hand and squeezed. Poseidon shot me an encouraging look. I couldn't help but smile.

"Down to business," Zeus announced. "We can not avoid this threat any longer." I saw the dark-haired man from before rolling his eyes.

Artemis stood, "At my Lord Zeus's command," she said, glancing at her father. "My brother Apollo and I, as well as my huntresses, will venture to hunt down monsters and wild beasts and destroy them before they can join the Titans' cause."

Apollo grinned, "We'll find them all, just like old times, eh Sis?"

"Don't call me Sis," Artemis sighed, before continuing. "Lady Athena shall personally check on various minor gods and attempt to bring them to our side."

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