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This chapter will be a short one but the rest of the chapters will be much longer. Think of this as a trailer of sorts.

All men are not born equal...

some have luck oozing out of them...


Their lives are nothing short of living H̶̺͈̥̮̍̒̈́̇̂͒̒̾̊̎̆͝͠E̶͎̗̥̩̻̟̺̹̋̈̈͊̄͝ͅL̴̤̗̖̲̝̗̥̩͚̯̬̞̇͜͜L̷̢̛͇̅̊͊͛͊̉̆̈͠͝

The ladder would be my life. But it wasn't always like this

Ever hear of the saying "All it takes is one bad day"?

Third person P.O.V

our story starts in Kamino where Midnight, present mic, and Erasure head

were coincidently patrolling together

Midnight: *sigh* another boring day out on patrol

present mic: ya got that right sister. wish there was a villain somewhere that I could ROoOoOoOoCK~

erasure head: can it mic. you should be happy that they're aren't any villains to fight since it means the people are safe.

Midnight: he's got a point there, doesn't cure the boredom though

but what they failed to notice was a little boy no older than 10 with tattered, dirty clothing and unkept hair weakly running towards them and bumping into Midnight

Midnight: oof! hey kid what where yo-oh my god!

as soon as looked at the kid she immediately picked him up to make sure he was ok

little boy:

those were the only words he uttered before passing out. Erasure head took a look at the child, examining him for any injuries

Erasure head: he seemed to have passed out from exhaustion, he has bruises, cuts, burns, and a few fractures all over his body. what or whoever did this to him was obviously training him for something, abusing him, or experimenting on him.

Present mic: you think we should take him to U.A? have recovery girl check him out?

Midnight: of course, we should! we can't just leave him out in the cold to die!

Erasure head: but what if this comes to bite us in the ass in the future, what if there's a good reason he's looking like this?


the two heroes looked at her in shock, they had never seen her act like this with anyone before

Midnight: *looks down at the boy* the last words he said before he passed out was "Help me". we're heroes and when someone asks for help we do so without a second thought

there was a long since before present mic let out a sigh and shrugged his arms, smiling

Present mic: *relaxed smile* well when you put it like that then what choice do we have?

Erasure: ugh, well then I guess that makes him our responsibility then, I can already tell this kid is gonna give me a headache

the three pro heroes then proceeded to turn back and take him to U.A high school not knowing the extraordinary phenomenon they just picked up and the evil they just pissed off

yeah I know, not too much content but I wanted to take this chapter to shroud you in mystery as well as develop the relationship between you and midnight much better than I did in the last book. another change I made is a bit of a twist that won't be revealed until really far into the story, something you will NOT see coming in a million years. Can't wait to hear your speculations in the comments and as always

A smile as bright as the sun (male reader x Nana Shimura)Where stories live. Discover now