Bio S2

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Name: Y/n l/n

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Name: Y/n l/n

Hero name: United as one

birthday: June 10

age: 15

gender: male

height: 5'7

hair color: white

eye color: grey

blood type: B

quirk: United as one/ UAO

status: alive

birthplace: near Shizuoka prefecture

family: Aiko L/n (mother)

occupation: student

Affiliation: U.A high school

fighting style: melee combat and long-range combat

Personality: Y/n is a very kind and devoted person. However, you shouldn't even consider bringing up All for One or anything related to the man. and DEFINITELY don't make any similarities between the two. After being kidnapped by All for one and seeing his mother getting killed before his eyes, the boy had a mental breakdown and while still maintaining his kind nature gained a very cruel and sadistic side to him. Most of the time, Y/n is an extremely laid-back yet scheming young man, who is nearly always seen calmly smiling when not put into a tense situation. Y/n also doesn't like getting any unwanted attention and prefers to stay out of unnecessary conflict. But, while he may not like starting or being involved in commotions that may attract unwanted attention towards himself, he enjoys spectating the chaos initiated by others. Despite escaping All for One's clutches, Y/n remains incredibly hardened by his tragic past in his adulthood, leading to several rumors that present him as a cold and heartless person. His mother's death to the symbol of evil also led Y/n to a path of revenge against his mother's killer. Even though She gave her life to ensure a young Y/n escaped from All for One, Y/n himself set out to finish what his only family member had started with a plan of his own, becoming obsessed with the idea of taking All for One down personally. It doesn't not help either that due to Shigaraki spilling the fact that he used to be in All For One's..."care" half of class-1A now despises him and while he tries his best to earn back their trust, he's becoming more anxious and wonders if there's any use in trying, now being a lot more distant.

power and abilities:

trained muscles: driven by rage, vengeance, and a drive for justice, Y/n has trained his muscles to their absolute peak. It's also been a necessity for him to do this anyway as his quirk requires his body to be this strong or he will be torn apart from the inside out.

superhuman strength: Y/n can do many things not even a person with a strength quirk can do such as destroy a 2x2 foot steel block with simply two fingers. When Training Y/n has been shown to be able to lift a train with one arm. When using one of his quirks, Y/n is able to lift a max of 6 megatons, giving him the nickname "Titan of U.A". And they way said quirk works is that he can absorb different types of energy and turn it into power so he is pretty much that definiton of U.A's motto "go beyond plus ultra".

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