Chapter 63: Phantom Planet

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It's been a day since (F/N) married Sienna, Kitty and Paulina making it official now that they're all together.

The screen fades in to show the Fenton Works, then zooms out to show the planet Earth. The screen continues to zoom out, and an orange flag that reads, "Nickelodeon presents", appears planted on a blue planet with many craters on its surface (the Moon). A red planet (Mars) and a meteor (possibly Comet Encke) appear. The meteor zooms past the planet and whizzes past the screen. In the tail of the meteor, black words edged with white appear, reading "Danny Phantom in". The words then diminish into the distance, and we see a striped orange planet (Jupiter). Another meteor (possibly 944 Hidalgo) zooms past again, between Jupiter and the screen. Once again, words appear in the tail of the meteor, only this time they are white, and the read "Phantom Planet". The words disappear behind a yellow and brown planet, Saturn.

Zoom in to Saturn's rings, where we see a satellite with the letter V on it. Zoom out again to show a green, glowing asteroid with a skull on it. Zoom in further to green glowing pebbles on the asteroid's surface. A robot probe picks a pebble up and places it in a capsule. It then rises up and flies to the satellite. A door opens up and it enters. The capsule is placed on a dashboard, where it is analyzed.

Maddie Hologram #1:  Analysis Conclusive! Asteroid composed entirely of the unique anti-ghost element, Ecto-ranium! Negative effects of which can only be felt by ghosts.

Maddie Hologram #2: It would be most effective in making anti-ghost weapons and to ease Masters' takeover of the Ghost Zone.

Maddie Hologram #1: And I shall be the one to tell him the good news!

Maddie Hologram #2: No, I shall!

Maddie Hologram #1: I shall!

Maddie Hologram #2: Your resolution is much too low and your bandwidth is far too large!

Maddie Hologram #1: Why, you HOLOGRAPHIC-!

Maddie #1 jumps on Maddie #2 and a fight ensues.

Cut to outer space. A ghost portal appears and Vlad flies out of it holding the Infi-map.

Vlad:.What a glorious morning. Defeating Frostbite and pilfering the all powerful Infi-map. If this keeps up, I should be ruling the galaxy by lunch.

Tucker shoots Vlad's space helmet, using the Specter Speeder.

Danny: Kitchen's closed, Plasmius! Give us back the map!

Tucker shoots Vlad again.

Vlad: Ahh!

Danny pulls a lever that closes a door between him, Paulina, Sam and Tucker.

Danny: Let's rock!

Sam: 3... 2... 1... Punch it!

Sam hits a button that opens the door which Danny, (F/N) and Paulina all fly out of, each of them wearing a space helmet. Vlad fires ectoplasmic beams at them several times.

Danny: We know you're a lost guy, Vlad, but no map is going to help you find your way.

(F/N): Have you considered using a GPS.

Pailina: Plus, you need therapy for those.

The ghost trio all shoot an ecto beam at Vlad, Vlad blocks it with an ecto shield. The ecto beam bounces off the shield and hits a meteor near him.

Vlad: Uhh...

(F/N) creates a giant snowball and throws it at Vlad. The snow ball freezes Vlad as Danny turns intangible and reaches through the ice and grabs the Infi-map.

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