Chapter 9: Day of the Infernals.

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It's been a day since (F/N)'s first encounter with an infernal and making a pact with the bat demon Mictlantecuhtli and getting Abracadabra, somehow. Here we see (F/N) with the trio at school after class.

(F/N): Man, today's test was hard. Lancer is the worst.

Tucker: Welcome to our world. Thought my brain was gonna explode.

Sam: Yeah, I gotta numb my brain after that.

Danny: I just got a weird realization, you don't think any other infernals would show up would they?

(F/N): Hm, well demons are always after me so it is possible. But we'll be ready.

Danny: Right, the last thing we need is an army of Infernals.

Tucker: Infernals?

(F/N): Demons from a different part of hell.

Tucker: *Understanding* Ohhh gotcha.

Sam: So I'm guessing the Fenton thermos won't work on them.

(F/N): Not really, since they're demons and not ghosts any anti-ghost equipment won't work on them since they're designed to catch ghosts and not demons.

Sam: Makes sense. This would be so cool if they weren't trying to destroy us.

(F/N): Yeah, *to Danny* So Danny wanna swing by Nasty Burger and grab a bite to eat?

Danny: Sure, I'd like to.

(F/N): Awesome!

We then see (F/N) and Danny walk off leaving Tucker and Sam, with Sam irked at the fact that (F/N) is walking off with HER best friend as she then saw (F/N)'s tail wrap around Danny in a protective manner which pissed the goth girl off even more.

Sam: Grrr, just who does she think she is?

Tucker: Sam relax, they're just grabbing a bite, it's no big deal.

Sam: Yeah just the two of them!

Tucker: So?

Sam: So?! (F/N) is up to something I just know she is.

Tucker: Seriously? Sam come on, (F/N) is like the nicest girl on the planet, she wouldn't hurt Danny if she wanted to. *Sees Sam giving him the "are you serious?" Look* Okay except for that one time but she said she was sorry.

Sam: Nice or not, or if she's sorry, she's up to something, *holds up binoculars* and I'm gonna find out what.

Tucker: *In his head* Oh brother.

Meanwhile with (F/N) and Danny, we see the duo is in Nasty Burger as we see (F/N) and Danny dipping their fries in their milkshake.

(F/N): *Notices what Danny is doing* You dip your fries in your shake?

Danny: *Notices what (F/N) is doing* You do it too?

(F/N): Wow, I thought I was the only who did that cause it's both-

(F/N) and Danny: Salty and Sweet!

(F/N): Exactly, *eats the milk shake covered fry* Mmm yum.

Danny: *Eata his fry* You said it. So any other weird food combos you've done before?

(F/N): Well, I don't wanna gross you out, but I do like to put marshmallows on my pizza.

Danny: *Laughs* No way, for real?

(F/N): Yeah, the other girls know too. I had some during lunch today. Star thought it was gross but when Paulina saw it she asked if she could have and I gave her one and she said it was amazing.

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