Part III

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Joey felt his knee shaking as he waited impatiently for the call to come through. After a few weeks talking some more back and forth, he was finally going to get the chance to ask her out on a date. They danced around it for a while now, but he was certain that now would be the time.

Within moments her name popped up along with a pic of her he saved from a week ago. It was her cuddling her cat, Cassiopeia, on her couch. She had originally shared the picture on Instagram and when he commented on it, she had sent it to him as well with the caption, "This could be us but you playing 😉" indicating that it could be him on the couch with her.. except he couldn't find the nerve to initiate it.

"Hey!" He greeted her.

He heard her shuffling around before coming into view. Her hair was tied up on her head and she was wearing a low cut tank top.

She smiled at him, "Hey! Sorry I just got out of the shower after working out, so I'm still a bit wet."

Joey's eyebrows shot up and he stared back, even more interested, "Oh? How wet are we talking here?"

She stared for a second before slapping her forehead "Oh my god.." She mumbled, embarrassed. "I walked right into that one!"

Joey laughed, mentally thankful his joke wasn't taken too serious. "That's me 24/7. I open my mouth, don't think, and say stupid shit."

"I know that by now, my dude!" She teased back. "You wouldn't be Joey Bosa if you didn't say stupid shit without thinking in the heat of the moment."

He laughed at the ribbing, knowing it was true. "Well, I can promise I didn't get on this call to point out my shortcomings as a person." He joked.

"Nah. Twitter does that well enough." She quipped back.

"Touche." He said.

It was quiet for a moment before Joey started speaking again, remembering his reason for having her calling him. "So, I was thinking.. Did you want to get together sometime for dinner? My treat?"

Artemis stared for a moment in shock before answering him.. "Sure!"

"- I mean you don't have to. I get it if you're busy or if this is too weird - wait what?" Joey stuttered in shock.

Artemis smiled softly back at him. "I said 'sure' as in I'd love to go to dinner with you sometime."

Joey just smiled happily at her and nodded. "Awesome. Cool. I mean, great!"  'Joey, you fucking meatball!' he thought bitterly at his stuttering. 'Way to play it cool, you fucking loser!'

Artemis seemed to sense his internal turmoil and cut in, "I was waiting for you to finally ask, you know?"

Joey just stared, unsure of how to respond to that. He wasn't certain of her tone, so he waited for her to continue.

Which she did with a smirk on her face. "I mean, there are only so many bikini photos you can like, comments you can make, and stories you can view on my Instagram before I start to notice a pattern.."

"And what's that pattern?" Joey croaked.

"That you got a thing for me. Which is totally fine and I'm absolutely ecstatic over." She said cheerfully. "Because the truth is that I also have a huge thing for you too."

"Nose and all?" Joey joked.

"Nose and all." She confirmed. "I'd still gladly sit on that face any day. You're my type." She said simply.

Joey was now sweating bullets for various reasons. One, he was usually the one making the moves and being smooth. Arty just turned that shit on it's head and took over. And tying into that, what she was doing and saying, the revelation that she too wanted him was a lot to process mentally. Yet, his body was reacting as he could feel the familiar tightness in his groin and the rise of his heart beat. It felt like his body was buzzing with adrenaline.

"You can't say that to me on the phone," He groaned. "Not before I at least take you to dinner first."

"Dinner, schminner. Grab some take out and come over to hang with me. It'll be more comfortable anyways." She insisted.

Joey thought about it for a few moments and then said, "Ok. Drop me your address. You like Chinese?"

"Hell yeah. General Tso's please." She said eagerly.

"Alright. I'll be there in 30 then as soon as I change." He started looking for his wallet and keys.

"Wear what you have on." She said simply. "Not like you'll wear it the whole time here anyways."

Joey stopped again and cursed loudly at her blatant flirting. "I swear to God, Arty. If you are doing this to get me worked up and then end up blue-balling me, I'll block and never talk to you again." He threatened.

"I'm not!" She laughed. "I swear to God as a Catholic in good standing that I want you to come over and knock boots with me. Butter my bread. The wango tango. Whatever you want to call it." She said back seriously.

Joey was quiet again, suddenly hoping to god he had condoms in his room. It had been a while. "It might be an hour instead of 30 minutes. Gotta make a stop at the store." He told her.

She smiled back at him and understood what he meant. "Well I'll be waiting here. I dropped my location so don't forget to stop on by soon, Bigbear." She winked and hung up.

Joey stared at the screen in disbelief as her address popped up. He couldn't fucking believe it.

All this flirting and shit talking and he was about to go and do what he never thought possible.

Except in every scenario he never imagined Artemis to be the one to pick him up - metaphorically speaking. In every scenario it was him trying to win time with her. Yet, she did what she always did best as he's learned these last few months. She surprised him, took the lead, and turned his world upside down. It was clear that she was wearing the pants in this relationship - and as someone who never experienced that before, Joey couldn't deny it intrigued him and turned him on.

Never did he think a dinner invitation would lead to sex this soon. Yet, he was about to try and discretely buy some condoms, pick up Chinese food, and make his way over to his crush's house.

Joey suddenly broke out of his periphery and made it for the door thinking to himself, "What the fuck is my life?"

And to think it started with some DM messages after a shittalking session and COD game.

Sliding in the DMs - Joey BosaWhere stories live. Discover now