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Life had settled down a bit for Arty and Joey over the course of a few weeks. Occasional comments were still made in passing by people they encountered - some they knew and some complete strangers. It was odd at first but both quickly learned to ignore it and go about their day.

Arty had begged Joey to take her out boating the past week and today they finally would - with some unexpected guests. When Joey mentioned in passing to Nick that he was taking his boat out, Nick invited himself and Athena along - using the excuse that it had been a while since they got to hang out together.

Arty was excited over the prospect of seeing her sister and hanging out with her.

'As if they weren't just together yesterday.' Joey thought sarcastically.

When Nick showed up with his shit-eating smirk directed at him, Joey knew what kind of day it was going to be.

Arty and Nick would definitely talk shit at each other and also at him. If that wasn't bad enough, he really didn't want to see his brother groping his sister-in-law so unabashedly with no sense of embarrassment whatsoever. Sometimes Joey felt like the adult in the room when it came to his wife and his brother. Thank God Athena seemed sane and mellow. Another clown on the boat would have likely made him jump overboard.

"Alright," Joey said, "everyone got their stuff? I'm not about to drive out and come back if something is left behind."

"All good," Arty called from next to her sister.

Joey turned the boat on and coasted from his private dock.

Arty sat up front with him and enjoyed the ocean breeze on her face. It was a beautiful day to go out boating, especially after the recent rainstorms that moved through southern Florida. It was nothing new to Arty as she spent her whole life until the age of 22 living in Miami.

Once the boat was close enough to the sandbar, Joey cut the engine and turned towards his wife with a smile. "I love you," He said as he leaned in to press a kiss to her lips, "You're so fucking beautiful." He eyed her bikini top and shorts combo, his eyes lingering on the sky-blue bikini she was wearing.

"You're not so bad yourself, handsome." She leaned up slightly to kiss him once more.

Joey turned his head to see Nick in the back of the boat with Athena perched on his lap, his arms easily wrapped around her frame as she played with his curls.

"I hope you're not going to try anything funny, Nick. I didn't agree to a live show like last time." Joey teased with a smirk.

Nick raised one arm up and gave him the bird and a dirty look before he turned back to Athena who had her head resting on his shoulder. "Says the dude who had sex with his wife on a boat in Greece," at Joey's shocked look, Nick continued with a smirk, "You dirty dog."

"How do you know about that?" Arty asked with a slight blush on her face, "Who told you?"

Athena didn't make eye contact with Arty who looked over to her, "I have my ways," Nick said mysteriously.

"Would that source be my sister?" Arty looked pointedly at Athena.

"I was drunk!" Athena protested back, her face embarrassed that her drunk gossip with Nick was leaked, "I didn't know he'd bring that up!"

"Nick has a big mouth. Just because he doesn't talk a lot in front of others doesn't mean he doesn't talk shit at all - if anything he's one of the biggest shit-talkers behind closed doors. Isn't that right, Nicky?"

"Says the man that got in a fight with a bunch of asshole Eagles fans. How did that work out for you, Joey?" Nick retorted.

"Ok - ok!" Athena stood up off Nick's lap. "We are not doing this. We are here to have a good time and hangout. You," she pointed at a frowning Nick, "shut up and stop instigating."

Sliding in the DMs - Joey BosaWhere stories live. Discover now