enjoy your stay

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After my initial outburst, I'd been confined to the room unconscious unless they started trying to Tap again. I finally knew what they were trying to Tap, after overhearing a discussion. They wanted to break open some sort of barrier in my mind preventing me from "using my full power".

How ridiculous...


Dim light filtered through my half-closed eyelids as I woke up for the first time in a few days. Maybe it had been a week? I wasn't sure, in this section of the facility there were no calenders anywhere. But then I noticed someone unfamiliar at my bedside. I opened my eyes all the way, scrambling to sit against the wall and be more aware while my head spun.

"Oh," I looked up at the strange reddish-brown-haired figure staring down at me "You're awake! That's good, I was almost scared you wouldn't wake up at all. That sure did drain ya, huh? you were out for like... a whole four days! I hope you're feeling better, I know it can be hard working with HYDRA, trust me I've worked with them for like four years. Anyways how are you feeling now?"

Their features were that of a young person, maybe in their early teen years. I couldn't believe this stupid organization for having literal children with them. This was absolutely ridiculous.

"You're a child. Why are you here?" I stated, my eyebrows pulling together in confusion. The kid laughed and waved me off, holding up a tablet of some sort.

"Aha, that's not important, I need to know how you are feeling so I can document it!" they said cheerily. I put my face into my hands, digging my nails into my forehead.

"I feel like crap, can you please tell me something?" I asked, my eyes tearing up as I wrapped my arms around my midsection. "Please? It'll make me feel better." I thought for a moment, before clarifying "Mentally."

"Okay, well, there isn't a mental status portion on here. Let's try answering your question, shall we?" the kid said, biting the inside of their cheek.

"Are they looking for me?"

I was sure the kid knew who 'they' were, even if they were just a lower-level agent. They'd seen the news or heard a word about them.

"Can't answer that." they said with a soft smile, putting a hand on one of mine. "Do you need anything? I think you should be getting some food today."

"Nothing, I just want to go back to sleep." I smiled, patting the kid on the head. "Oh, but uhm, what's your name?"

"Crocus. Good night, ma'am."

"Good night."


Two weeks later, the kid was back. Crocus was like a bright light in this stupid dark room.

"Hello, ma'am." they greeted, seeing as I was awake and sitting up in the bed. "How are we feeling today?"

"Tired, less like shit now that you're here, kiddo," I said, reaching up to pat the kid's cheek. They seemed caught off guard but nodded and recorded it.

"Okay. Got it! So, anything you need today?" they asked. I loved that they were always so polite. Every time they came, which was about every four or five days, they asked if I needed anything. And of the three or four times they'd been here I'd always said no.

But today I did need something because I had been missing it. I wanted to know something.

"Where has he been?" I asked, and Crocus's face became confused. I didn't have a name, I never got a name from him. I searched my mind for some sort of description. "Uhm, shaggy hair," I gestured to just below my chin, "and a metal arm," I rubbed my left arm, hoping they knew what I was talking about.

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