Side chapter

127 4 3

Y/n's pov:
I jumped awake when I heard the door open. I was just have a nightmare about maker know what. I looked and saw Hera standing in the door way.
"Sorry did I wake you?" She walked over and sat down next to me on my bed.

"Ya but it's fine wasn't dreaming anything good anyways" I said putting my legs over the edge of the bed.
"Want to talk about?"  I felt her put a hand on my shoulder but I didn't turn to look at her.

"No can't remember anything about anyhow. I hate my nightmares cuz I never remember them" i said now turning to look at her "did you need something?"

"Oh um" she said looking away scratching the back of her neck "Ezra was talking about how you are a good cook and we'll know here really knows how to make anything well Chop does but he's getting tired of making food for all of us." She looked back at me and I gave her a kind smile.

"I'll make dinner. I know that's what your asking me and please before you say 'you sure????" Yes I am I like cooking." She just sighed and gave me a hug. I was schooled but them I hugged back. We let go and I walked out of the room and into the kitchen were I saw Ezra and Chopper fighting about how if I was going to come cook or not.

"Don't worry Chopper I'm cooking you get a break. What do you want me to make?" I bent down to look at the droid.

'I don't know Ezra said you can make a good bone broth and we have the stuff for that'

"Ok that's good to make for a lot of people I get started that's Chopper" I stood up looking at the table to see everything out for me. I watched as Chopper left with my brother. Ezra was yelling at the small droid that I like to be alone while I cooked witch was true. I put everything that made a basic bone broth and then while that was boiling I went to find Ezra. I found him talking with Zeb, Chopper, and Sabine.

"Yo Ez can you run to the tower and grab the other stuff please?" I put my hands together while he nodded and ran of the ship. The others looked at me confused.

"You'll see and tell Hera that Ezra's not on the ship right now. Don't want to forget him agin" I turned and looked at Zeb when I said forget. I heard Sabine laugh and she left to got tell Hera while I walked back to the kitchen. When I got back the broth was almost done. Ezra walked in with the meat all ready seasoned and other spices with him.

"You put the spices in the broth I got the meat" I said taking the meat from him and walking to the oven. He ran over to the bone broth just to make sure it didn't burn. He put the spices in and turned pf the stove for now.

The meat only had 5 minutes left so I turned the bone broth back on and let I heat up. Ezra walked in with Kanan.
"5 minutes?" Ezra asked me walking over to the bone broth.

"Yep it's already on but please do mix it up." He nodded and did as I had asked him to. I took the meat out at the 2 minute mark. Using the force I got a knife and cut the big pice of meat up into cubes. I floated them over to the pot were Ezra removed the lid and I let them fall in. I set a time for 2 minutes and turned the stove up to high but not all the way up.

"Why the meat?" Kanan asked looking confused.

"That's just how I make it. If you guys don't want in I could just give you the broth it has all the same spice plus some other ones I use on the meat." I said looking scared. I didn't want them to not like the first thing I made for them.

"No we're good with it just asking" He smiled at me and I smiled back. I heard the timer ding and when to turn of the stove. Zeb walked in rubbing his stomach.

"Is it done yet whatever is cooking smells really good" I smiled at him while turning around to look at him fully.

"If you would tell me we're the bowls and spoons are we can eat." Zeb jumper up and grapes the bowls while Kanan grapes the spoons laugh at his purple friend. I grabbed a ladle a stared to put the meat and broth in the bowls. Out ove nowhere Ezra's pulls out a pot of fully cooked noodles.

"Oh my gosh I forgot about those thanks kid" I said paying his head. He smiled whil putting them in the bowls whil Kanan grabbed chopsticks instead. I gave the first bowl to Zeb which he had some of everything at i think I saw him shed a tear.

"It's amazing thank you" He screamed out I just laugh handing Kanan his bowl. Same thing from him I watched Ezra get his bowl and Sabines walking out to go find her. I laughed at him cuz he got got chopsticks so I used the dove to send him some.

"Thanks N/n" He yelled back at me. I smiled while I got Hera and me a bowl use the force to grab some chopsticks and I walked over to the cockpit. I saw Hera sitting in the poilts seat and I sat down nex to her. She looked over and saw I had food with me.

"Oh your done thanks for getting it for me"

"No problem" I said smiling at her I gave her one bowl and a set of chopsticks. I broke my set and began to eat. She did the same. I at her in the corner of my eye. I saw the way her face lit up when the taste hit her toungh. I giggled Turing fully to look at her.

"Is it really that good" I asked her she whipped her head around really fast witch made me laugh even more. She had stars in her eyes and nodded her head fast and I turned back to my food.

"Glad you like it" We finished eating and I tried to do the dishes put Sabine said she would do it because I had already make such a great meal for them. I just walked away not wanting to fight with anybody. As I opened the door to me and Heras shared room I saw Hera changing her shirt. I blushed and shut the door before anyone else could see. She turned her head to see who it was. I stood there in shock I was blushing hard core. I would be lieing to my self if I said I didn't have a crush on her.

"Like what you see?"She asked truning around fully. I got more red if that was even possible at this point and look at my feet.

"So sorry" I stuttered put as she walked up to me.

"Hey it's fine we're both women right"She said walking back and putting her pj shirt on.

"Ya right" I said looking down "well I'll be back I'm have to go talk to Ezra see you around?"

"Ya see ya" I heard Hera say as I left the room fast. I ran down the hall and knocked on Ezra and Zebs room. I heard them yell and then Ezra opened up the door.

"Hey what's worng" he said looking up at me and I broke. I wrapped my arms around him and hug him as tight as I could. I felt Zeb push past us and walk out while I went and sat down on the floor.

"What happend?"

"I think I fell for another straight girl" I said look next to me as he sat down.



"Well give it some time ok she might be gay we just don't know yet do we" He grabbed my hand and squeezed it.

"Ya your right thanks" I said smiling at him. We talked for a bit. I felt a head on my shoulder and saw the Ezra fell asleep. I used the force to put him in his bed. I kissed him on the forehead and left. I passed Zeb up and he was walking back to his room from mine. I gave him a quick thank you nod while he gave me a your welcome nod. I walked into the room and saw Hera asleep on the bottom bunck.... Or so I thought. I walked over to the ladder and looked down at her.

"Why do I always have to fall for the pretty straight girls" I said sadly climbing up the ladder and into bed. I fell asleep the minute my head hit the pillow.

Thank you to everyone reading this. I'm sorry it took so long to up date I hade writers block and I didn't know how to keep the story going. I'll try to get one out next week. Have a good day/night/afternoon. :)

My hope (Hera x fem reader) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now