Part II : He's everywhere

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Someone was standing over Lucas, that was now thrown to the ground.

It was him... Kai, he was standing very close to me, his gaze on me, he seemed very angry, but he still had that cold stare.

Before i could even thank him, he spoke first : "Can't you protect yourself?" Then he started walking away.

I felt really sad at that point, humiliated even. I almost got assaulted by Lucas, and now Kai has also made my mood even worse. So i decided to go out, breath a little, then decide whether i wanted to go back inside.

On my way out, my gaze met his again, my eyes full of tears, but i refused to cry, and his? Cold and judgy like always.

I went out, it was freezing cold, but i didn't care. I stared out onto nothingness for a moment. Then i decided to get back inside. I mean, it's my brother's birthday, i wasn't gonna destroy it just because of that son of a bitch. I'll deal with him later.

I went back inside, then i got a drink, to get myself in a better mood, and hopefully get over what just happened.

I drank a bit, then i started dancing along the crowd, i tried to not look in Kai's way. Since, doing that would probably just make me mad or sad. It depends really.

Then in the middle of my thoughts, i felt hands on my hips, as i was dancing. I turned around, and it was a hot guy, dancing with me. He had green eyes, and tanned skin.

We kept dancing together, before he whispered in my ear "What's your name beautiful?" He had a raspy voice, to what i answered "Ashley, and you?" He told me his name was Angelo, and he asked me if he could buy me a drink.

I accepted of course, then we went and he got us two drinks, and we starting chatting normally.

I think i got super drunk at this point, i was laughing very loudly, while the guy remained calm as his hands traveled up and down my thigh. I didn't mind it since i wasn't planing on doing anything tonight, so why not have a bit of fun?

I insisted that me and Angelo should start dancing again, he accepted, but i think it was only because i forced him to. His dancing this time was... different than the last time... he seemed to be better at it somehow, he knew when and what move to choose. His hands touched only the right places, then he whispered in my ear, and i got so scared i almost fell.

It wasn't Angelo, the voice that spoke to me, wasn't a raspy flirty voice. It was a deep voice. One that i recognise from earlier. It was definitely Kai.

I was so confused, so i turned around, and i faced him. He was very close, and this time instead of giving me the same cold looks, his eyes now held a very, very different look to them. I couldn't quite pinpoint it, but it was a mix of seductiveness, and enjoyment.

As if he enjoyed watching me get flustered because of him... "what the... where's Angelo... what are you doing..." i said, barely composing myself.

"He went to the bathroom, and you suddenly came to me, insisting we should dance together" then a smirk appeared on his lips as he watched the horror and embarassement on my face.

I wished i could disappear from the face of the earth at that point, he was so close, and i just wanted to run away, when he suddenly leaned down closer to my face, his breath against my lips, them he whispered, his eyes locked on mine "you're a great dancer Ashley".

Yeah that was it. Really, then he stood up, and he looked at me for a split second, before he left.

I ran to the bathroom, wherever it was. I entered and i stared at the mirror, i was very red, blushing so hard i looked as if i was about to explode...

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