Part 2 | pizza parties

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Kennedy's POV

It's been a week and I haven't heard from Sam, to be honest I'm a little disappointed but hey what can you do?

I just walked in the door, coming from the gym where I'm a personal trainer.

I decide to take a shower.

I step out and throw on a bikini before walking into my backyard.

I'm not rich but I'm well off, my parents were wealthy so when I grew up, they bought me a small house in LA, there I live with my best friend, Lillian, and we pay them rent every month to help with the cost and honestly I love it.

I laid in the backyard on a beach chair by the pool for a few minutes before I suddenly heard the door open.

I sit up and try to look through the screen door.

"Lillian?" I shout.

"Hey! Where are you?" I hear from inside.

"Backyard, tanning. Where else would I be?" I laugh and go back to relaxing.

"Oh it's nice out here, I'm gonna go nap!" I hear her run into the house.

I check my phone and see a incoming call from an unknown number.

K: hello?

Unknown: Hey is this Kennedy?

K: depends on who's asking?

Unknown: I guess I should've said that haha, it's Sam from the bar.

K: oh hey Sammy! I was wondering when you'd call? I thought you forgot me! I chuckle.

S: I could never forget a pretty face

K: welll that's good, what's up?

S: I was calling to see if you wanted to hang out later? We're doing a little drinks and pizza night at my house?

K: ya that sounds awesome!

S: really? Oh wow okay! Awesome! I'll pick you up around 6:30?

K: sounds good! See you!  I'll text you the address.

S: awesome! See you!

I stare at my phone and smile. I squeal and do a little dance before running upstairs. It's already 4:30 so I only had 2 hours to get ready.

Luckily I already showered so I just have to get ready.

I don't even know what the vibe is for this pizza and game night? What do I wear? What do I do with my hair? How do I do my makeup?

I decide to go casual but not too casual.

I pick a black pair of jeans with a few little holes and a bright yellow crewneck. I put on my white Nikes.

I do light makeup and pull my hair into a high ponytail.

I grab my small bag and realize it's only 5:30 and decide to run to the liquor store before and just grab a couple white claws.

I text Lillian and let her know that I'm going out.

I make it back to my house at 6:15 and decide to just scroll through my feed for a bit until Sam gets there, 10 mins goes by and the doorbell rings.

I grab my stuff and open the door to see Sam is standing there, wearing a bright yellow t shirt.

"Oh look we match" I smile and walk out with him. He smiles a big smile and agrees.

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