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Today is my last day in my parents (just dad w/his new wife) bakery. Yep I'm finally leaving for Canada next week, I'll be going there for my college degree. I sighed as I continue to clean the dirty saucers and mugs that are all over the kitchen sink. God I don't even know why I survived a whole summer break without going out, but I guess I'm not really cut out for it, I don't even have friends to start with, Well i had a few but they didn't last long so I can't party. Not that I am going but I wasn't allowed since I entered high school. After mom passed away dad never let me do things that other kids do. He always kept me in the corner of his eyes, except for my stuck up brother and two sisters whom he would die for if he was asked about something, or if the three of them wants something.

To be honest I was the least favorite child. Maybe because I like mother more than him. Well I can see it well since I'm still here in the bakery at this late hour, and not going to bars like my sisters do. Probably they be home at 2 am, but I don't give a damn about them, they're all a pain in the ass. The bakery that dad and mom built together always had many customers even if she was gone, the customers didn't stop coming and go. I was the only one left keeping it alive. I'm glad our helper, mom's former maid was assigned by dad to help me serve. He used to help here for the past months but since he married his mistress, he barely comes anymore. And he always had this bad temper in the house. He would constantly yell at me for not doing things right.

And whenever i try to tell him that his new wife would always make fun of me, he immediately tells me to stop making up ridiculous stories and respect her. Like hell I would. I'd rather die than do that. A few more saucers that needs rinsing and I'm done. I placed them in the faucet and started to wash them but it slipped in my hands. Causing it to fall on the floor, creating a loud shattered sound from it. Dammnit!!

I picked the shattered glass quickly causing it to wound my finger, yeah it hurts but I don't mind, after cleaning the floor, the chime jingles making me look at the door. A man dressed in black suit and black leather coat approached the counter. He wasn't old but he wasn't that young. He has green eyes, sharp nose, cherry lips and eyebrows that is thicker than my humor. God a customer this handsome at this late hour? You've got to be kidding me.

" May I take your order sir? " I politely said to him as he stares at the pastries on the fiber glass. Another thing that makes me want to never leave this bakery to dad is that he will definitely change all the flavors and recipes that mom created. And since I am still here, I was the one making these delicious treats. By doing what mom has left me, I can still feel like I am closer to her whenever I make one of her pastries. I miss her so much....

" Hey miss... you're not crying are you?" I heard the man's deep voice, snapping me back to reality, i looked at him with bewildered eyes, and he seemed concerned. My eyes felt wet, and i didn't realize I was crying. F*******ck! i was crying! In front a stranger! And it's almost midnight!

" Oh shit, I..I'm sorry, your order sir?" I repeated my question as I quickly wipe my wet cheeks and he finally speaks " The Blueberry Muffins 20 pieces please." He calmly said ignoring my slightly puff eyes and swiping his card into the card swiper. I must be tired. I started to pack his order in a paper bag. I can't look at him because I feel like a small crushed bean, I can't believe I cried in a strangers face, this is super embarrassing. As soon as I packed his pastries, I handed it to him immediately, without making any eye contact. He is a die for a man, but I'm in a complicated state this time. I can't simp... even tho I want to, but no i can't.

He was about to walk away, but he turned to face me again, and we had this intense eye contact with each other. " Your wound... treat it immediately, or your scent will be stronger. " His voice was serious, and I just had chills all over my body because of that. my scent? What about it?

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