Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Harry raised his eyebrows at the girl who had her wand pointed at him, but inwardly his heart sped up a bit at the sight of his birth mother. The woman frowned at the occupants, "You shouldn't create wards like that without proper supervision. It can be dangerous if mistakes are made."

"We were having a private discussion, Miss Evans. There are no rules against it. I took it down as soon as I sensed you prodding at my creation." Harry said evenly, "Also not to sound arrogant, but when it comes to wards, I don't make mistakes."

She eyed Harry carefully, and shook her head, "I have to say that is quite impressive. I have created a few wards myself, but nothing so precise. That is quite advanced magic."

Offering a slight bow of his head, Harry replied, "Wards are one of my strong suits. My family is quite famous for them after all."

Looking over his shoulder at James he could tell the young man had colored a little in the cheeks. Harry knew the young man had not taken runes, which was the base subject to wards, so would know little about the subject. Harry couldn't imagine Fleamont had taught his son much magic of this nature, so had the feeling James did not know of the Potter family's affinity with wards.

Lily pondered Harry's words for a moment before offering her hand, "I think we may have gotten off on the wrong foot. I am sorry about earlier. Your cousin has caused me more than a few headaches in our years together. I think I thought I was the victim of one of his pranks. I am Lily Evans, the Head Girl for this year."

James groaned, "Lily, you know you are hardly ever a victim of our pranks!"

Lily ignored him while she locked eyes with Harry curiously as he took her hand gently, "As I said earlier, I am Harry Potter. My cousin and Sirius both think highly of you, despite them trying to coat their words with mischief. It's nice to meet you."

Both boys protested behind him causing Lily to grin, "Well, I hope I have found the more serious alter ego-"

"You have no idea." Sirius chimed in.

"Because I can't take anymore mayhem. With James being Head Boy this year I am hoping we will have less excitement than normal." Lily finished giving James a stern look who did his best to offer her a wide smile, and a look of innocence.

"I make no promises ma'am." Harry answered cheekily, "My mother and father instructed me to have fun in my only year at Hogwarts, and I wouldn't be living up to my family name if I didn't cause at least a little bit of mischief."

This caused all four of the cabin's occupants to grin widely, and Lily looked to the sky as if praying for intervention, "Do try not to find yourself in too many detentions, Potter. Gryffindor doesn't need the loss of points."

Stepping closer to the girl Harry whispered with conspiracy in his eyes, "Don't be so sure I will end up in your house, Miss Evans."

Her eyes widened for a moment, and then shook her head, "The more serious Potter indeed. I better return to my rounds, I just wanted to apologize for earlier. Good luck on your sorting!"

With that Lily began walking down the hall casting a final look at Harry in speculation over her shoulder, before continuing on. James sighed happily, "Boys, I think I am in love."

The three other Marauders groaned at that, while Sirius said, "You've been saying that for 6 years, Prongs."

This made Harry laugh, and place a hand on his father's shoulder, "A little maturity goes a long way there, Prongs. She reminds me a bit of a friend I had in school. A stickler for the rules when it was necessary."

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