Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Flashes of lights were happening all around him. His wand was a blur as he cut his way through Death Eaters desperately trying to get to Hermione. He didn't even register who had told him that his best friend was dueling Bellatrix Lestrange, but he knew his brilliant Muggleborn friend was no match for Voldemort's best fighter alone. None of them were.

Pushing his way through the crowd, blasting enemies aside he saw his best friend merely fifty meters away fighting for her life. Ducking under a green spell Hermione returned fire with practice and fluidity that had been beaten into her by training with the Order of the Phoenix for the last year. Her spells were powerful, of that, there was no doubt, but the barrage coming from Bellatrix was non-stop.

Closing the distance Harry raised his wand to join her in battle, but his eyes widened as a green spell came from somewhere to the right of the Muggleborn witch. Hermione registered the spell, and dropped to the ground to avoid it, but Bellatrix was not idle when presented with an opportunity. An orange spell connected with Hermione, and her scream nearly stopped the entire battle. Desperately Harry tried to push his way to her, but he seemed frozen, and was subjected to watch the agonizing screams of his best friend. Her eyes turned to him, and screamed his name begging for her own life. A feeling of uncertainty passed through him, but without a counter curse, he knew the girl would die a terrible death. His first thought was to exact revenge, and force Bellatrix to undo her curse, but as tears of blood began to fall from Hermione's eyes he knew it was too late. Laughter brought rage pulsing through the teen, but he knew he had a duty to his best friend first as he raised his wand to put her out of her misery-

Jolting awake Harry felt the tears rolling down his face as he heaved for breath. Looking around rapidly in search of the battle he just left, realization set in. He was at Potter Manor. It was 1976. The moment in his dreams wouldn't happen for 20 years.

Reaching for his wand he took a deep breath, and exhaled in stress wiping the tears from his face. Looking out his window that led to a small balcony, Harry knew it was still the early hours of the morning, but there was no going back to sleep. He did not wish to subject himself to further visions of his past, so decided to start his day. With a quick check of the time, Harry pushed himself out of bed, and departed his bedroom into the unfamiliar halls of Potter Manor.

Walking through the house his gaze lingered on portraits of long-past family members. Below each of their names were small inscriptions of their accomplishments. One a Minister of Magic, another a Chief Warlock and Supreme Mugwump, the one that caught his attention however was a Triwizard Champion from the 1860s. 'Baron Abraham Potter II, Triwizard Champion, War Mage, Order of Merlin 1st Class.'

The man didn't resemble Harry as closely as his other relatives. Abraham's hair was short, jet black, and his eyes were a much darker shade of brown than his own. The man had the same build as Charlus however, and looked like he could snap an average man like a twig. Briefly, Harry pondered if he could find more information about the man in his family's library. As he continued down the hall more familiar faces began to pop up, including a wedding photo of Charlus and Dorea. Beside Charlus was Harry's grandfather Fleamont, and a man that could only be Lord Arcturus Black. Next to Dorea were two women he didn't recognize, but Harry resolved himself to ask when the opportunity arose.

The next photo sent a painful jolt into his chest as he saw a small boy holding a baby with a large smile on his face. The boy couldn't have been more than four or five years old, and from the date on the photo, Harry realized that the baby was his father James Potter. April of 1960. His father was only about a month old in this photo, and the boy who was holding him could only be Henry Potter. The look of bewildered joy on the little boy's face broke Harry's heart knowing what would happen to him. Harry had not known his cousin had survived his infancy years, and knowing how much this little boy must have been loved by Dorea and Charlus caused a soft pang that struck him down to the soul.

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