Chapter 4

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  A year into this shop, I've got it where I want it all. I've hired a few more people to help keep the shop running with me, Kyle and Kylie, so one of us can take more than one day off, which was very greatful. I've also changed the hours since there's more people as well and since I've done that, I've got like 50% more people than I was before.
  Thanks to Mark, he's helped me fix everything that needed to be fixing in this small ass shop. After I got everything where I wanted, Mark had asked if I was willing to expand my store to either make it bigger or get another store.
  I did think about it and I did want to get another store but not right now. I want to get more into this more before I could find the money and courage of making that big leap. I mean I had faith in myself just if I moved to another area, how am I gonna keep boh of these places running on my own. Yes I could hire more people but money is the answer.
  Mark was willing to help me with everything but I didn't want to do that. He was just my friend, that just gives me good ass tips. I'm not a golddigger am I? I ask myself sometimes when he gives me the huge amount of money for my tip. Kylie thinks he's doing it to get in my pants. Hailey the new girl that had hired a few months back says that if a man is willing to give a girl like me money, just take it with no back talk. That I deserve it, especially how I look.
  "Girl, your fine as fuck. Your tall for your built, unlike most girls." Hailey said. "Look at me and Kylie, were both, sorry to say this Kylie, fat. I have no ass and no tits for how fat I feel. Kylie, she's got a big ass and some tits but you, you have ass, fits and well tone."
  "What Hailey is saying you have all the right curves that any man that would kill to have by their side." Kylie said.
  "Hey now, my ass is big." I started to say as I was looking at my dresser mirror. "But my tits their only a 44 C." I said as I put my hands on my chest.
  "There's no fucking away your a 44 C?" Hailey said as she put her hands on my tits then hers. "Fuck, their more than a hand full. I can cuff mine just fine yours I can barely close my hand over them." She said laughing a little.
  We all laughed at that. I love to hang out with some girl friends and just talk about anything. Even if it's about our lady parts. I mean were all girls, I mean the guys do it all the time right?
  After us laughing for about it seems like 10 minutes, I was getting a phone call. When I looked at it, I stopped laughing and threw the phone at Hailey. She looked at it and even laughed even more. Kylie grabbed it and looked at it.
  "Answer it." She said. I shook my head at her. "Too late." She said as she hit something then threw it at me.
  I saw she hit answer. I looked at her then said hello.
  "Hey, Carrie. Its Mark."
  "Oh hey Mark. What's up?"
  "Umm, well since its your only day off from the shop, I was wondering if you wanted to go out for dinner tonight." He had asked me.
  I froze and looked at the girls. They just looked at me wondering what was being said. Kylie waved her hand at me to get me to speak.
  "Carrie you there?"
  "Yes, Umm. Sure, I'll go to dinner with you. What time we talking about?" I said. The girls eyes got all big and they were smiling like a how Joker smiles when he thinks he's done something right.
  "How about you give me your address so I can send a car to take you to get a nice dress and shoes then they'll drop you off at the restaurant that were gonna be eating at. Sound like a plan?"
  "Sure, I guess I'll see you tonight then." I told him.
  "See you, Carrie." He said then hung up.
  After we hung up, I stared at my phone for a moment before texting him the address then looked at the girls. They were smiling so big, that look like their cheeks would bust open or something.
  "So you have a date with mr, perfect huh?" Kylie asked.
  "This is gonna be exciting." Hailey said as she got up from my best to go to my closet.
  "What are you doing?" I asked.
  "Looking for nice dress."
  "No, you don't have too. He's actually having a driver pick me up and take me to go get a nice dress and shoes then dropping me off at the restaurant." I said.
  "Wait he's paying your dress?" The girls said at the same time.
  "What he said." I told them. "Ima take a shower now, so don't have to worry about when the car is gonna be here."
  "Do you want us to leave? We were supposed to hang out today?"
  "No, stay. Watch, eat, chillaxed while I'm gone. Just throw a party while I'm gone." I told them then head to my bathroom to take a nice hot shower.
  As it seemed like minutes from the time I got into the shower, to getting dressed into a nice pair of jeans, shirt, hair done, make-up done; my hair was in loose curls and my makeup was a smokey-cat eye look. By the time I was done with all of that, there was a knock at the door, I got up to go answer it. There was a man in a nice suit at the door.
  "I'm here to pick you up to take you to get a nice dress and shoes for dinner with Mark." He told me.
  "Yes, let me get my shoes on and get my purse and phone." I told him.
  He nodded as I turned around to get my sandals on then grabbed my phone and purse. I wouldn't need my keys since the girls are staying here.
  "I'll be back. Bring good you two." I said pointing at them.
  They just smiled and waved at me to go. Which I did.
  I was nervous as hell right now. I didn't know what type of dress I would need to get or the shoes to go with it but I was willing to go with it.

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