Chapter 10

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  As my driver pulled up to the building where the ball was being held, photographers were there taking pictures of everyone that was getting out of their cars. When I stepped out, all my nerves that I had pulled back on the way here, just came back. I looked at all of them that was staring at me like a lost puppy dog that just lost his way.
  I was snapped out of it when someone had called me and pulled me inside. When I looked it was the woman that helped me along time ago to find the perfect outside for him for our first date.
  "I'm so glad you've came, I was wondering if you were coming or not."
  "Me, yes. He begged me to come once he got back in town." I told her. "Least I knew someone here other than him that could save me from that."
  "Yes, well since this is a big event for this company they had to be here. They think because he's the CEO of this company, him and a few other big shots like father will be here." She said as she walked me to a table she was at.
  She pointed to Mark and his father that were standing by another table, with a woman close by Mark's side. I was wondering who she was. Was she family, a sister or a mother? I was kinda jealous that I wasn't over there.
  "Do you know who that woman is next to him?"
  "No, I do not. Since she's close to him and his father its either family or another big shot person. Who never knows."
  "Why are you even here?" I asked her.
  "Some of my designs are being worn here." She said as she pointed some out.
  One of her designs was being worn by a lot of women here, beautiful, smart intelligent women. Especially the one last that was standing next to Mark.
  As I was staring, Mark turned his head and faced me and smiled. As he excused himself from his father he walked over to me.
  "Hey, so glad you made it." He told me and he kissed my hand and done the same to her. "Meet me by the bathrooms in a few moments, I want to talk to you alone with out the press seeing us together."
  "Okay." That was all I said.
  As he walked away, the woman that was standing next to him was looking my way. Like she was staring into my soul, like looks could kill the way she was looking at me.
  I looked at the lady next to me, that I forgot her name then nodded my head before walking away. I wish I didn't forget her name, but I'll never forget a face.
  As I walked towards the bathroom, before I pushed open the door, I was being pushed in by someone. But before I could do a thing, I was being turned and pushed against the wall them being kissed. When I heard the door being locked, I saw who it was. It was Mark.
  I wrapped my arms around him, kissing him like one never kissed him before. Something about sneaking into the bathroom together was a huge turn on for me. As he slide up my dress, I heard him unzipped his pants, then slid himself inside me hard. I gasped for a moment making him cover my mouth before resuming on.
  About 10 minutes of hard fucking, we both came hard together. Once we fixed ourselves, we left the bathroom one by one so no one could see.
  When I went back to my table to sit down, I heard music playing and saw some people dancing along with the nice soft music. After a few moments, I was being tapped on the shoulder by Mark.
  "Why don't you dance with me?" He told me.
  "Are you sure about that? Don't want people wondering do yea?"
  "No, but its a ball. Everyone dances with everyone, so we're good for now." He told me as he lead the way to the dance floor.
  As well danced, I smiled at him. I felt like Cinderella at the ball meeting the prince. But instead of leaving at midnight before the curse wore off, this was real life and that wasn't gonna happen. Or so I thought.
  About a few minutes into our dance, that same woman, butted in asking to dance with him. He nodded then looked at me and smiled. I felt that jealous feeling once again but left it alone.
  As I watched them, I saw how she kissed him on his cheek and he done the same once the dance was over then came back over to me.
  I've asked who she was and he told me she was his sister. That he was sorry that she butted in durning our dance.
  "No worries. It's family." I said as his father was calling for him.
  He left my side once again and went over to his father.
  As everyone took their seats at the tables, I've noticed his assistant sitting next to me. She smiled and waved at me while his father was talking about the company how he had passed it to his son. How that was the best idea he ever made.
  About half an hour or so of talking about the huge success he's made, when two kids had came running over towards him calling him daddy. I was shocked at what I just heard. I looked at his assistant and asked who they were.
  "Who are those kids?"
  "Those are Mark's kids and the woman next to him is their mother, his wife." She told me.
  I turned my head so fast that I could have gave myself whiplash. I looked at them and saw the love of a family. As I got up, moved my chair back knocking it back on the floor, making Mark and his family look at me.
  He stood up and went to come after me but I took off running. All I heard was him yelling my name.
  "Carrie, stop. What's wrong?"
  "You have a family. Wife, kids. You said that was your sister how could you." I yelled at him.
  How bad I was yelling at him, his family came outside watching us. When I seen they were looking at us, I lost it.
  "Mark, I want you out of my house and never ever reach me ever again. Don't come to my coffee shop anymore. We're done, over." I said as I reached my limo.
  I saw his sister, wife whatever she was, yelling at him. I felt bad about how this went but I had to do what I had to do.
  I wanted to leave this place forever. I wanted to start all over and began again. I had to leave this place, because this was a huge problem with us, because everywhere I got I see him. My shop, my house, the stores, I thought of him.

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