Chapter 13

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  After a few days of me and Mark's wife talking, I told her it would be best for the kids that they did stay together but didn't want nothing to do with him. And that I was going to file for a restraining order on him. She said that would be fine. Of how much that has happened, how happened, I feel guilty and that she should beat me up or try to kill me but she was all calm and nice about everything. It was like knew this would have happened.
  I wanted to ask her more about it but I didn't want to pruned on her life. Especially since I want nothing to do with him.
  After I figured out what I was doing, I slowly packed some of my stuff and got storage for some that I don't want to take with me. I wasn't selling the house, I mean it is mine from him. It was already paid for, no payments needed, that was gonna use it for a vacation home when I came in visit here.
  I told all my workers what was going on, they understood and believed I was doing the best.
  I went downtown today to the Sheriff's office and files that restraining order and had them send it to him. Once we both our copies, signed and settled, I went home to look up some places for me to live in and a new shop to open up. But once I got home, I saw Cynthia was sitting on my porch with an yellow envelope in her hand.
  "Cynthia, what you doing here?" I asked.
  "I came to give you these. Its document's for you to start a new. A check for $500,000 to help you to find a new life and place out of here."
  "Why are you helping me? I slept with your husband."
  "Because I want to. I feel bad how this going and I should have known. I saw the signs, just didn't want to find out, that it was true. When we talked the other day, my heart hurt that he would pull this on us. I bought up divorce again to him, telling him if he didn't love me, he didn't have to cheat on me and do the same things he did with me with you." She told me. "You know what he said, he felt like it wasn't enough for him. Like he settled down to young, that I wasn't enough for him that he wanted more. He said if I wasn't in the mood or didn't want to give it up he could came to you and got it."
  After that I didn't know what to say. I took the yellow envelope and used the money to get my shop and a small apartment in a different town.
  About a month later, I had found a house that was a few states away and it was close to a lot of stores that were for sale.
  After I got my apartment that I was renting, I got a store that was close that was cheap and got it. Once it was done, it was time to pack up and leave. I had to do what was good for myself.
  After a few months after settling in, I was getting sick and I was late. I was worried about my health so I had went to the doctors. They did every test they could, to see what was wrong with me. A few days later, I get a call to come back, so I did. When I came back, the doctor told me I was pregnant.
  When I heard those words; PREGNANT! I started to freak out a little bit because only person I've ever had sex with was Mark. My life was a totally hell and I didn't know what to do. What should I do? I had a million things going through my head right now. A lot of questions, should I tell him? Should I get rid of it? Should I keep it and not tell him? Should I keep it and tell him? Should I get rid of it and not tell him?
  I was lost for the moment.....
  Well this is the 2nd to last chapter. It was gonna be the last chapter how her story ended but I thought I wld give y'all a little sneak peek of the future on how she's doing. What her choice was, did she give it up or keep it and either way did she tell him?
  Let's find out and see......

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