[2] [Backstory Archive 2 - Character Creator]

14 3 6

[Please select your class

Time remaining : 000:59]

I bolt forward, and out of the corner of my eye I see other people take off as well. So, I wasn't the only one who figured out this strange little gimmick. Within seconds shouts of "I did it!" "I'm a soldier!" and "Wait! What is a good choice?!" echo around. I glance back, the little kid who was standing next to me was reaching for a sword that was almost as big as him.

"Hey!" I shout back, "Little kid!"

The boy's head snaps up in my direction, frown already in place, "I'm not-,"

"You don't want that one!" I cut him off, turning back to the front so I could leap over a pile of rusted armor. "Pick something smaller! You need to be able to carry it around easily!"

The boy glances down at the sword, before frowning even more and taking off further away from the center, allowing a girl with bright green hair to grab the sword instead. She picks it up and immediately goes tumbling to the ground from the weight.

With a loud sigh, I turn back around. Most people had just taken whatever they were able to reach first. A few had moved further in, attracted by the shiner and less rusty weapons further from the starting area. But only me and one other guy were still without a weapon.

"Hurry little miss!" the old guy shouts from behind me.

I risk a glance up from the floor.

[Please select a class.

Time remaining : 000: 12]

I was almost out of time!

"Ahah!" someone shouted from behind me, I glance back and see the other guy who hadn't chosen anything yet, "you walked right past this one you loser!" the guy yells, pulling what is very obviously a wizard's staff out of the pile of rusted armor I jumped over.

I grit my teeth and keep running, even as the screen floating above me starts to turn red, making an angry buzzing sound as it counts down each second.

"Lady hurry up!" the little boy yells from somewhere behind me.

I had reached the edge of the area, falling apart cabinets full of armor and cloaks lining the walls. Beautiful swords and bows haphazardly tossed around. I just need something- all of these weapons would be a bad fit. But I wasted too much time and there's nothing here-

My eyes catch on something glittering tucked behind a shield that was so well polished it was almost reflective. There's no logical reasoning behind my snap-second decision, but I go full in, lunging for the small glittering item. The cabinet above me sways, before crashing down on top of me, burying me in a pile of ornate weapons and armor. The sound of metal clashing into metal is near deafening but my hands close around something small and smooth and-


[Every player has selected their class.

Please now select your background.

Each background may only be selected once.]

A sigh of relief. With a loud clattering I slowly pull myself out of the pile of gleaming silver and gold, flinching as I stand, I was definitely going to be feeling those bruises for a while. "Pings" and yells of annoyance and joy rang around me as I examine the item in my hand.

It was odd, a perfect flat circle of metal completely blank on both sides, about the size of a sand dollar. There was a little hole in one end where a simple braided rope cord was strung through. I had no idea what it was, and because the background selection window hovered above my stats, I didn't know what class it belonged to either.

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