no coming inside

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"Y/n," Rafe says. "How are you?"

You roll your eyes, but your heart flutters. You're sitting on the kitchen counter at some Kook party. You'd come here hoping to catch a glimpse of Rafe Cameron.

"I'm fine, Rafe." Even though you're really into him, when you're around him, you always try to act like he annoys the hell out of you. And he always feeds into it. "What do you want?"

He leans against the counter beside you and takes a gulp of his beer. "You look good tonight. You with anyone?"

"Not anyone here."

"What do you mean? He didn't wanna come? Even for you?" He lifts your thigh and steps between your legs.

"Well, he said he would, but then he didn't."

"Aw..." He grins. The sharp scent of his $150 cologne surges up your nose, making you drunker than you already were. "I would have come," he whispers against your lips. He opens his mouth against yours, leaning into you as you pull back. His fingers dig into the backs of your thighs. He comes between your legs so his groin presses against yours. Even though you don't kiss him back, he tries again.

You smile.

"Are you gonna let me kiss you?"

"I told you, I'm seeing someone."

"You also said he wasn't here. Come on." He tries to kiss you again, but you turn your head away, and he lets out a huff of frustration. "Seriously?"

"I'm not a cheater." Even as you say it, you can't help but smile. "Rafe, face it. It's not gonna happen."

The hem of his T-shirt tickles your thigh and sends goosebumps all over your skin.

"How much do you really like him?"

"A lot." You slip off the counter and stride away.

But Rafe catches up to you. "So, you're fucking him."

"Oh, yeah."

"And how is it?"

He grins.

"None of your business. But it's fucking fantastic."

When you whirl away, he grabs your arm. Then he lowers his voice, licks his lips. "Tell me."

"Tell you what?"

He glances around as though to make sure no one is listening. "Tell me about the sex you're having."

"Rafe! No. God---what is wrong with you? You're such a perv."

"Come on. Give me something." He follows you through the throng of people, into the laundry room. You hop onto the drying machine. "I'm only going off my imagination."


"You know, what you sound like. What you look like when you come. Right now, all I can do is imagine those things."

"You imagine what I'm like when you're touching yourself?"

It shouldn't---you have a boyfriend---turn you on---you're seeing someone, afterall---but---fuck---it does.

Rafe nods.


"That's pathetic."

"It is." He grazes his lips, just barely, against yours.

"You should find a girl here to fuck."

"I already have." He ducks his head and grazes his lips down your neck.

Rafe Cameron Imagines (for horny bitches)Where stories live. Discover now