roommates pt. 2

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Rafe hears Y/n shouting, so he bursts out of his room. She's standing in the living room in only underwear with her hands cupped over her bare breasts. "Hey," he says.

Tears pour down her cheeks.

"What's going on?"

She shakes her head. "Nothing." Still holding her breasts, she hurries past Rafe. He calls her name, but she ignores him.

Rafe's date slips into the hall behind him and makes a face. "Why is your roommate running around this place naked?"

When he doesn't respond, she shouts at him again, and then the apartment door shuts.

He stares at her red-rimmed eyes, and her naked torso. "Y/n. What happened? Why'd he storm out like that?"

"Rafe, please." Her voice cracks.


"Go away."

He lingers, watching her cry, wanting to go up and comfort her. But she wants him to leave, so he does.


Rafe is at the apartment with the same girl when Y/n comes back with JJ. Rafe was hoping they were done for good, but they must have patched things up.

He listens to them walk down the hall into her bedroom. Their voices are muffled, but they're talking.

Rafe's date whines his name, but he ignores her. She does it again and rolls over to him. They'd already had sex twice this afternoon, and now Y/n's back.

"What?" he says.

"Let's do it again."

Rafe dismisses her. He gets up and strides out of his room. She asks where he's going, and he ignores her again.

He presses his ear against Y/n's door.

"You said his name," JJ says.

"I know," she says. "But it had nothing to do with him, really."

Silence, and then, "You guys have never fucked?"

Silence again.

"Do you wanna fuck him? Were you thinking about him while we were having sex?"

"I... I mean... yes. But not because I wanna have sex with him–"

"Then why?"

"Because I heard him having sex. We just–"

Rafe's mind spins. She heard Rafe having sex last night. Which means it was his name she said.

"What?" He flings the door open. "It was my name you said last night?"

They both whip their heads over.

"Oh God, no, Rafe–"

"What's going on?" Rafe's date walks out of his room, up to his side.

"I know she's not gonna tell me," JJ says. "Have you guys ever fucked?"

Rafe clenches his jaw. He doesn't want to give him the satisfaction. "So what if we did?"

JJ shouts at Y/n. "You fucking lied to me."

"No, I didn't." She scrambles to her bare feet and reaches out for him, but he yanks his arm away.

Rafe's date turns to him. "You fucked her? When?"

Only because Y/n is getting the brunt of it does Rafe decide to tell the truth. "No, we've never fucked."

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