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I'm y/n l/n. Not a while ago, my life was doing really well. I had loyal friends, I was pretty active on school clubs, and was persistent on being well academically.

But there was a moment in my days that I would think is my favorite. It's working as a barista in a bakery. It's not just any bakery, It's a bakery made from my family! I say it's my favorite part of my days not only because of the fact that my family owns it, but because the decorations inside are aesthetic, and everyone here is so nice! I almost forgot to mention that I get paid!

My Bakery is located to a hidden area. It may be hidden but many locals come here daily, sometimes lucky tourists visit here. Some regular customers even comment that since it's hidden, it's like they found treasure!

Since we have so many people everyday, we earn great money. All the deserts, drinks, food we serve are expensive. So my family was doing well financially.

One day, we didn't have much people in our bakery. It's normal for some days to be less busy, that meant that I had less drinks to make.

I was cleaning all the machines for drinks, when 3 guys came inside. I didn't recognize them, they were both hooded with masks on and didn't look like one of our regulars.

My mom, dad, 3 hired coworkers, and I were the only ones working. I was nearest to the cash register when it all happened.

A sudden gun click was heard. I looked up, and saw a gun pointed at me.

"This is a robbery. I repeat this is a robbery!!" One of the hooded men shouts.

This cannot be happening. I thought.

Everyone immediately starts to freak out, all having to be on their knees, some started to pray. My mom's motherly instincts kicked in.

"Don't you dare shoot my daughter!" My mom marches towards the guy who's holding me at gunpoint.

"Come any closer, and I'll shoot her!" My mom had no chance against him. She gave me a look of extreme worry, making me just want to cry and run into her arms to protect me.

"Sir please. My daughter, she just worked here. I know how to exchange money. So I beg of you, don't shoot my daughter and I'll move her out of the way." My dad spoke up. He still kept calm and collected.

Dad.. My fingers started trembling. This shouldn't happen to us. Please just let us get out of here alive, all of us.

"News flash! Todays afternoon there has been a report on a robbery located at (l/n)'s Bakery & Cafe. It was seen that there were 3 suspects, they were armed with guns  and held everyone inside the building at gunpoint. Fortunately, no one was harmed, but the criminals fled away and is currently on a wanted list. We will all keep you updated on what happens next!"

Our family bakery, the bakery who has been created and passed down from my great grandparents was robbed.

Multiple cameras and reporters were in front of the crime scene, all prepared to collect much information they can from overwhelmed victims.

"It's okay dear.. you're completely safe now y/n." My mom mutters comforting me, holding me in a tight hug.

As much as I wanted to, I couldn't stop myself from shaking. I buried my face on my mom's shoulder and and immediately started to sob.

"Ma.. I'm s..sorry. *hiccup* I was.. so scared!! H-horrible.." I wailed, with horrible breathing control.

"I know my love,'s all over now. Please, oh God.." She grips onto my shirt, trying her best to maintain herself.

My whole family was distraught from this situation. It certainty wasn't better when so many reporters came rushing towards us.

"Excuse me!? You're one of the l/n's right??!! Did the robber &@&*{*]¥=]+{£}??!!?!!!!??"

"Maam!?! Sir!?! If you please, how was it that &"))({+¥}£{¥+!?!!?"

"Hey you!! Did you check what was stolen!?!!"

No one knew the answer to that question. We were all too busy feeling defeated while being harassed by reporters and camera people.

It had taken at least 2 hours for them to all leave. We eventually did searching on what was damaged, and what was stolen. At the end we found that around 2000 dollars was stolen digitally plus all our cash money was all taken, and almost all our property was destroyed, including some prized possessions from my great grandparents.

We were in extreme debt, still in debt to this today. We even had a choice to sell our bakery. But that never happened and thank goodness it never did. But there were some things that had to be sacrificed.

One of them, was my parents confronting that I had to leave my school and transfer to a different one.

"I have to transfer to another school?! You can't be serious!" I grew slightly angry at my mom and dad.

"I know honey, but we're still in debt. Paying your private school is getting too expensive. I understand it's hard for you, but I'm for sure you'll be comfortable in the school you're transferring." My dad explains.

I was extremely disappointed. I made so many memories there and I would just have to abandon everything. I would miss my friends the most. But I couldn't hold a grudge to my parents for that.

I took a deep breath to control myself and not let my emotions grow stronger. "So, then what school am I transferring to?" I questioned.

"It's another private school, but it doesn't require us to pay at all! The school you're transferring to is PK academy!"

"You cannot be serious." I blurted out. It may be a private school, but I heard it's chaotic. "Isn't there other schools that are.. better than PK?"

"Sweetie, this is the only school that can let you transfer in a middle of a semester." My mom responds. "Please remember that we're doing this for your own good. It hurts for both me and your father to do this, but we have to in order to do better financially. You'll do great in PK, nothing could possibly go wrong there, I'm sure of it." My mom pulls me into a hug, my dad joining us as well.

"Your mothers right y/n. We'll give you space to adjust. Make sure you spend your last 2 weeks in your school well." My dad and mom back away from the hug. "Your mother will call you later for dinner okay? Love you sweetheart." He kisses my forehead and leaves, my mom doing the same.

I have 2 weeks to spend with my friends, then leave them. This really sucks. I head to my room, change into my pajamas and lay down on my bed. I hope this PK school isn't what it's rumored to be, and more importantly I hope I make friends.

"Y/n!! Dinners ready!" Mom yells.


-1178 words :p

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