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2 weeks quickly flew by, I took all my stuff from my old school just to throw it in the trash, I said my goodbyes to my friends, acquaintances, and just basically everyone/everything else I liked.

On Saturday, I received my new uniform from my new school. When I first saw and wore it, I almost started crying from how ugly it was. Why were some parts of the uniform green? Out of all the colors? Not to mention the skirt is extremely short.

My parents commented that it looked good on me. Only that my mom just told me that she'll buy some women boxers for safety from perverts.

"You look like a dumbass! Hahah!" My cousin calls. My cousin, who feels like I have a sibling relationship with, was the only one being honest. But I still grew irritated, only I get to make fun of how I look.

"Shut up! I don't even know why you're here, so go away literally no one wants you around!" I harshly reply.

I look down at my uniform, gripping onto my skirt. I really have to wear this every school day, I hate that. Maybe I'll wear some accessories, but later.


The whole weekend was already ending and I had a good numerous of hours until I step foot onto the new campus. Before going to bed, my parents came to my room just to comfort me for the big day tomorrow.

"Y/n make sure you make friends there okay? I heard the students there are accepting!" My mom says, beaming.

"I hope so."

"There's no need to hope honey," My father cuts in. "You just need confidence for that to come true. We're both proud of you, moving on so quick from a sudden situation makes you extremely strong. Now time to go sleep, you'll need it for tomorrow." My mom nods in agreement.

"Hmm, well you're right. Goodnight mom and dad, make sure you guys also sleep. Oh, and I almost forgot, for now on I'll walk my way to school and home. Since PK is closer from here, I want to become more independent alone outside." I saw my mom shed a tear, and my dad suddenly having a soft face.

"Oh wow, who would've known that you've grown this much?" My mom speaks, looking delighted.

"Mom! Please I'm already 16! I can take care of myself now. Plus it would be embarrassing if I still get dropped off of school."

"Haha. I understand, anyway go to sleep! You only have a couple hours to rest your eyes." Dad exclaims.
"I love you y/n, sleep well."

"..Love you too dad." I reply. I felt my face burning up. Why was that so embarrassing to say?

"I also love you darling! Okay byee!" Mom leaves, closing the door shut.

Will I be able to sleep though? I thought.


My answer 10 hours later was yes obviously. I thought about going on my phone for a few hours but I never go past my bedtime using my phone on a school night.

I already changed into my uniform and went downstairs. I could smell the delicious breakfast my mom was making.

"Oh! Good morning y/n! You should hurry for school honey, your classes starts in 20 minutes."

20 minutes? Why does it start so early.. I sat down at the dining table, prepared to feast.

"Mom, what did you make for breakfast?"My mom halts at my question. Weird, I grew suspicious at her odd behavior.

"Oh..! Well I made a sandwich! It has eggs, bacon, ham,lettuce, and.. onions."

"Onions!? Mom you know I hate onions." Before I could reach for the sandwich, my mom stanched it away from me.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2023 ⏰

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