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After that they went home

"Boruto are you sure you can stay here alone?"ask menma
"Yea I'll be fine"said boruto
"Take good care of yourself boruto"said sasuke
"Whatever have fun in your camping"said boruto
"But i think it will be fun if you join us"said menma
"I'm fine just go"said boruto pushing them out
"But..."said menma but the door shut

After some minutes

"Finally they are gone i better go and buy burger fast or it will close"said boruto leaving the house

At the restaurant

"One thunder burger please"said boruto
"Okay here"said the worker handing over the burger
"Thanks"said boruto walking away
"Come again"said the worker

Boruto was about to leave the restaurant but he show mitsuki

"Mitsuki?"said boruto
"Oh boruto hi"said mitsuki
"What are you doing here?"ask boruto while sitting beside mitsuki
"My apartment got burned down"said mitsuki
"What!!! How!!!"said boruto
"Well i never know how to use a microwave and it was my first time so i messed it up"said mitsuki
"Ohhh then where will you stay"said boruto
"I don't know i ask my father to find me another apartment but he said I can't do it today you have to wait for 2 days for it and i had nowhere to go so i came to the restaurant"said mitsuki
"You know you can't stay the night in the restaurant"said boruto
"Yea i know"said mitsuki
"What about your father house"said boruto
"I don't really want to go back"said mitsuki
"Well how about you stay at my house!!"said boruto
"Umm what about your parents"said mitsuki
"Well my father and mena went to camping I'm the woods more like my father training menma for the upcoming last round soo.... They will be staying in the woods for 2 days and you know my father never comes home"said boruto
"Ohh why dint you follow them?"ask mitsuki
"I dint really wanna join them cause...."said boruto
"What you can tell me everything"said mitsuki taping boruto shoulder
"Let's say this at home it's personal matters"said boruto
"Okay"said mitsuki while smiling

After that they went home

"Make yourself home"said boruto
"Ummhm"said mitsuki sitting on the couch
"Here warm water"said boruto giving mitsuki the water
"Thanks"said mitsuki taking it
"And mitsuki you can sleep with me for the night"said boruto
"Ohhh okay and what about the talk in the restaurant"said mitsuki
"Ohh ye! About that ummm...i was feeling left out i guess"said boruto
"Why?"ask mitsuki
"I feel like i don't really have that deep connection with my dad"said boruto
"What do you mean? You know you are Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke child"said mitsuki
"Yea but when my dad was on mission i dint really care that much i mean like i care his my dad but not like menma.....he miss my dad so much and i on the other side i was just happy with staying with my mom"said boruto
"But your dad still loves you"said mitsuki
"Yea i guess your right mitsuki"said boruto hugging mitsuki and it made mitsuki shock
"It's fine I'm here"said mitsuki hugging back
"Anyways let's play some games"said boruto
"Sure"said mitsuki

After playing for 2 hours

"Wahh!! It's so hard to defeat you"said boruto
"Let's stop now boruto it's already 9pm"said mitsuki
"What that's too early"said boruto
"Relax let's watch something it's too early i only sleep at 11pm"said boruto
"Thats why you always wake up late but this time you won't wake up late"said mitsuki
"No!! I don't wanna sleep"said boruto
"I guess no choice"said mitsuki and then he stand up and pick up boruto in his arms and took him upstairs
"W....wh-at!! Mitsuki out me down!!"said boruto while blushing
"It's time to sleep"said mitsuki while keeping boruto gently on the bed
"I don't wanna sleep!!"said boruto as he tried to get off the bed but was push back down by mitsuki
"You are sleeping boruto cause we got to practice tomorrow"said mitsuki holding both boruto hand to the bed
"What!! Mitsuki let go!!"said boruto and he was struggling to get free from mitsuki
"I won't let go until you sleep"said mitsuki bringing his face near boruto their faces was only 1 inch apart
"Mitsuki!! What are you doing?!"said boruto while blushing very hard
"Ohh you look like a tomato"said mitsuki
"Ugh!! Fine I'll sleep let go of me"said boruto avoiding eye contact
"Good boy"said mitsuki letting him go and went on the bed and slept beside boruto

Boruto mind
What was that feeling?? When mitsuki was near me i was like about to explode!! What is happening and why was k even blushing!!

Back to reality

"Good night boruto"said mitsuki
"Ohh.... Good night"said boruto
"What?! Is mitsuki hugging me?! Uwah!! My heart can't stop pounding"(boruto mind)

In the morning

"Good morning mitsuki!"said boruto who was making breakfast for them
"When did you wake up so early?"said mitsuki while sitting in the dining chair
"Well we slep early yesterday so my eyes just open in like 6am"said boruto while serving the food
"I told ya if you sleep early you wake up early"said mitsuki eating the breakfast
"Do you like it?"ask boruto in excitement
"Yea it is good"said mitsuki while smiling
"Yea!! Thanks"smiled boruto
"Mitsuki?"said boruto
"Hmmm"said mitsuki
"Let's practice after eating"said boruto
"Yea sure"said mitsuki
"Hnnn"said boruto
"Are you still thinking about your father and menma?"ask mitsuki
"I don't know"said boruto
"Don't be sad boruto u promise I'll make you forget about them"said mitsuki
"Aww thanks"said boruto
"I'm glad to have a great friend like you"said boruto
"I'm glad too and thanks for the food"said mitsuki
"Welcome"said boruto

Sasunaru but a little bit different and trying to make another version of borutoWhere stories live. Discover now