Chapter-24 I'm not short

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Kawaki went back to the house and Naruto and Sasuke has to go out so only boruto menma and kawaki was in the house but boruto decided to go to his room

"So...your kawaki right?"ask menma but kawaki ignored
"Hey dont ignore me!!"said menma
"Shut up"said kawaki
"Hey!! Don't say like that it's rude and i was just being friendly"said menma while pounding
"Your annoying"said kawaki and menma gasped
"No one has told me I was annoying..."said menma who sounded like a hearth broken
"Well yes I did"said kawaki
"Your so mean! I shouldn't have help you!!"said menma
"I dint even ask"said kawaki
"I was just worried about you okay?!!"said menma
"Why?"ask kawaki
"Because your also an human being and ofcourse who wanna die dummy!"said menma
"I don't really care"said kawaki and he stod up from the couch and was about to go outside but was stoped by menma
"Where are you going?"ask menma
"Somewhere away from you"said kawaki
"I'll come too!!"said menma in excitement
"Dint i say somewhere away from you?"said kawaki
"Oh il show you the village"said menma as he drag kawaki in his arm completely ignoring him
"Hey dont drag me around!!"said kawaki who slapped of menma's hand
"Opps sorry I'll becareful next time not come let me show you my village"said menma while smiling brightly making kawaki eyes hurt
"Where did the brightness came from"said kawaki

Then menma showed kawaki around the village like where the hokage tower was and school,parks, hospitals, shops, ramen shop,police station and etc.

"So is my village cool?"ask menma and they were sitting on the great stones
"Whatever"said kawaki
" know really interested in you"said menma while checking out kawaki's face
"You dumb?"ask kawaki
"Nope! Just curious about you"said menma
"There is nothing to be curious about me"said kawaki
"I really like your face structure it's very manly and your hair cut it matching your face and your even tall i bet a lot of girls will go crazy for you!"said menma while smiling making kawaki blush a little
"That got me off guard"thought kawaki
"Your kinda sus...."said kawaki
"Oh!! Sorry if I said too much"said menma as he blushes and kawaki can see it
"Why are you turning red..."said kawaki
"H-e..looks kinda cu....te.."thought kawaki
"Your staring too much!"said menma who was hiding his face
"I'm not?!"said kawaki
"Yes you were!!"said menma
"Whatever I'm going"said kawaki
"Wait!!!"said menma
"What?"ask kawaki
"We got to take groceries too"said menma
"What does it have to do with me"said kawaki
"Well what do you wanna eat for dinner?"ask menma making kawaki frozed
"Ummm hello? Kawaki?"said menma
" ever ask me before..."thought kawaki
"Do you even know how to cook?"ask kawaki
"Ofcourse!! I am the family chef"said menma proudly
"Ok....just cook whatever you want"said kawaki
"Ump!! So let's go grocery shopping"said menma
"Do i really have to come?"ask kawaki
"Yes because the food are finished totally empty so you'll have to help me carry some stuff with your strong arms"said menma as he touch kawaki bisect
" big"said menma
"Don't just touch me as you please"said kawaki
"Hehe sorry"said menma
"Shut up and lets just go"kawaki blushing a little

To Naruto and Sasuke they were sitting on the grass near the river bank

"Why are you so happy about??"ask sasuke who saw Naruto was happy and smiling
"Well I'm glad cause your work is here now"said Naruto
"Dumbass it's not good news it's bad news"said sasuke in disbelief
"I know that too!!!! It's just that I'm happy that we can be together now"said Naruto
"That's true..."said sasuke
"I really missed you sasuke"said Naruto as he rest his head on sasuke shoulder
"I also missed you done"said sasuke while smiling
"So what do you think our next move will be?"ask Naruto
"I don't know but as long as I'm with you i have no worries"said sasuke while kissing Naruto forehead making Naruto giggled
"Im so lucky cause I can only see this side of sasuke"said Naruto as he giggles
"Yes you are"said sasuke

To menma and kawaki they were returning from the grocery store

"Is it too heavy kawaki"said menma in worried tone
"Nah it's fine it's not heavy"said kawaki who was holding a bag full of stuff
"You sure cause it sure looks heaving"said menma cause the bag was 15kg
"I said I'm fine dint i?"said kawaki
"Okay sorry for the trouble"said menma cause menma was only holding a package of chips
"Hnn now let's go I'm already starving"said kawaki
"Let's go"said menma as they walk out of the shop

But before they could reach home they saw Naruto and Sasuke

"Mom!!dad!!"said menma
"Oh menma...did you go grocery shopping?"ask Naruto
"Yea me and kawaki went cause there were no more resources at home"said menma
"Okay...but why is kawaki holding that bag full of stuff and your holfing only a pack of chips"said Naruto
"Well he was the one who said I'll hold everything and when I said I want to hold some then he handover me a pack of chips"said menma
"Because If you hold heavy stuff you will not grow and you will be short forever shortie!"said kawaki
"Hey dont tease me!! Your not even that tall?!??"said menma who was angry
"Well you guys fight will go inside okay sasuke?"ask Naruto
"Umm yea"said sasuke and they went inside leaving behind a fighting friend
"Oh really?"said kawaki as he stood a little bit nearer to menma and menma was looking up cause he only reach kawaki upto his chest
"Pfft!! You don't even reach my face shortie"said kawaki while laughing
"You!!"said menma but was cutt of by someone voice
"You two stop fighting!!! And menma come and make dinner fast cause I'm hungry!!"shouted boruto from his room
"Oh okay I'm coming!!"said menma
"Go and cook mister shortie"said kawaki while smirking
"Your lucky"said menma and went inside followed by kawaki

Sasunaru but a little bit different and trying to make another version of borutoWhere stories live. Discover now