Chapter-32 Training

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And guys this is all gonna be about menma and y/n training cause...i don't know how did sasuke train boruto as it's not shown in the anime 😭

"So where are you giving me training?"ask menma
"Umm well hold on a second"said y/n as he turn to the opposite and did something then suddenly a portal open making menma shock
"What! I thought only my father could do that"said menma
"Ohh your talking about uchiha sasuke...yea he can do because of his rinnegan"said y/n
"So how can you do it?"ask menma
"Easy cause I also have one! And ofcourse if dint have one also i could easy form one"said y/n as she turn around and menma show that she had a rinnegan in both of her eyes
"You also!"said menma as he was wrecking his brain
"Calm down kid I'll tell you soon and let's go!"said y/n and they both went inside the portal

Now they were in a dimension where the world looked just like earth but like the space was inside the earth and stuff were floating

"Woah! How am I not out of breath!!"said menma as he touch his neck
"Ofcourse you can breath cause this place is lively"said y/n
"Ohh cool"said menma
"Anyways here's the rule! When you learn a jutsu or skilled I'll answer one of each of your questions okay?"ask y/n as they were standing in a floating flat plain land
"I feel like your treating me like a kid..."said menma
"Don't worry you'll get older"said y/n
"Ok whatever just teach me!"said menma with an annoying face
"Ill teach you how to use your hands first"said y/n then suddenly menma karma started to activate as y/n also activated hers
"Not so surprised you also have one"said menma as he show that for her had a sun and moon symbol and the colour wer blue and yellow which go all over her arms reaching to both her eyes and she had two horns
"How could you have two horns?"ask menma
"You also have's just that you need practice and power to grow the second one"said y/n
"Ohh but why do you always have sun and moon symbol like in your palm and even in your eyes?"ask menma
"I'll tell you after you learned a skill"said y/n as she grin
"This woman!!"thought menma as he glanced his fist
"Okay no more fun! First you have already seen and know that that your karma can observe energy and can also give out energy!"said y/n
"Yea I already know"said menma
"How about you try to use it observed this energy"said y/n as she raised her palm and a sudden blue energy started to form in a shaped of a Rasengan
"Is that a Rasengan?!"ask menma
"Nope it's a different type of energy ball! Even tho it's small it could destroy a whole mountain"said y/n as she throw the ball towards a big mountain and exploded which made the mountain turn to ashes
"What! Such a dangerous power!!why are you throwing that at me!!"said menma
"Well it would be not useful if i throw an easy one cause your enemy are strong"said y/n
"Yea she's right"said menma as he thought about the energy eiden release to him it was quite a dangerous one it almost made a whole in the earth
"Okay then but what if something happens?"ask menma
"Don't worry I have my ways to protect you!"said y/n
"Okay then I'm counting on you"said menma as he he stood in a fighting position while y/n makes the same blue ball again and threw it to menma
"Okay here it comes!"said menma as he lifted his palm to the direction where the ball is coming as the ball went nearer menma tried to observe it but it dint work
"Shit! It's not working!!!"thought menma as he tried his best to observe it but he failed but the ball dint hit him cause he was now beside y/n and the ball hit something else
"Im still alive!!"said menma with tears
"Ofcourse I had to save you!"said y/n
"How?"ask menma
"Well before it hit you i teleported you anyways let's do it again"said y/n
"Yea but it sure was scary"said menma

And after that menma kept to trying to observed the power thrown by y/n and he eventually learns it

"Yes!! I can do it!! I finally did it"said menma as he jump around all happy
"God job kid took you 4 hours to learn bu the good thing is you'll never forget it"said y/n
" answer one of my question!!"said boruto
"Yoo..chill dude that doesn't count as a new skilled it's not completed"said y/n
"What do you mean?! I observed it!"said menma
"You still don't know how to release it!"said y/n
"Ohh right..."said menma
"Anywyas practice how to release the energy which you observe"said y/n as she point to the mountain
"Okay here we go.."said menma as he pointed his palm to the mountain and concentrated but nothing happened
"What!?"said menma
"I already knew it would happen.."said y/n with a smirk on her face making menma irritate
"I thought you would be a fast learner just like your uncle Itachi"said y/n
"Uncle!! Oh yea my dad has an older brother! Can you tell me more about him??"ask menma in excitement
"Heh! No need your nothing like him anyways"said y/n which made menma irritate more
"You sure pissed me off"said menma
"Your jus-....woah! Easy there it almost hit me"said y/n as she almost got hit by one of her jutsu which came out of menma palm
"I guess I can do it now"said menma with a smirk
"Well it was my plan all along"said y/n as he shrug off
"Whatwver!!"said menma in annoying voice

Thanks for reading that's all for today 😁😁❤️❤️

Over and out

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