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A week has passed since Aelia arrived at the academy, she has settled down and familiarized the place and now ready to attend her first class, I say everything is going smoothly, well except what happened last thursday.

It was aelia's fourth day at the academy, Kali was in class while Bella was in their room all morning cooped up inside, she was reading when she got notified that she receives a message on her RWD, it was a message from Kali asking her a favor to bring her the papers she left for her presentation on supernatural creatures.

Since Aelia is a good friend and she figured it's best to go out get a little sunlight and some air, she grabbed the papers Kali told her about then got out of the room.

Aelia walked the school halls searching for the supernatural studies room.

She walked and walked, there's almost no students outside, Most of them must be in class so the school halls were deserted.

Isabella has been walking for quite a while when she realized, she's lost. She feels like she's walking around in circle. She quickly looked down at her wrist and found out she forgot to wear her bracelet. "Fuck" she cursed.

Aelia panicked looking around to find someone but no one seems to be around.

"Aelia!" She jumped back to reality when she heard someone call her name and a hand tapping her in the shoulder.

A little blurry at first coming back to reality, her vision slowly cleared and she saw a face she's familiar with looking at her.

"You got lost." The woman stated matter of fact.

When Aelia realizes who the woman is , she quickly stepped back aware of what she can do.

"Eirene." She called her name taking another step back.

'she touches you, she'll be able to control you' Aelia remember Kali's words.

Getting the idea, Eirene chuckles
"Relax" she laughed, "I figured you already know who I am, but I'm not going to do anything to you."

Aelia did not believe her, after all, she is from manipulation.

"Look, Celestine already talked to me about you per Kali's request, so don't worry. I won't do anything." The manipulator reassured.
"and besides, If I were really set on manipulating you, I should've done it already the first time I've touched you, so relax." She raised her arm a gesture as if she's surrendering.
"And if I did something to you, I'll be getting an earful from your roommate and my girlfriend."

Aelia relaxes a bit, Eirene seems to be speaking the truth.

"You were lost weren't you?" The woman asked.

"Yeah." Aelia shortly answered. "I was just looking for the supernatural studies, I forgot to wear my bracelet." She added.

"Okay, let's go. I'll walk with you." Eirene offered. The younger hesitated at first but accepted anyway, she'll be lost again if she go by herself.

"It's here." Eirene stated when they arrived in front of the room.

Aelia knocked on the door, when she heard a come in, She opened the door and face the professor only entering half of her body.
"Hi, I'm looking for Kalliste." The professor looked around the room and nodded at kali.

"Ms. Neredras" He said then Kali stood up and walked near Aelia.

"Hey, Thank you. I'll be presenting in a few and I would get this myself but" she leaned in whispering "professor Thunder is quite strict. He would surely deduct a point from me." Kali explained.

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