Borrower Twins

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*Hannah's P.O.V*
I woke up from Ethan doing a short scream, that's one way to wake up.. I looked on the same direction as him and was greeted by two other borrowers looking straight at us. I feel like I knew these two for some strange reason..

???:Smiles "Well you all sure got comfortable! Not that I blame you, the couch is pretty nice!" Looks at his sister "Hailey what do we have this morning?"
Hailey:Thinks "Uhhh.. I do not know! I will go checking!"
???:Corrects Hailey "Check."
Hailey:"Check! I will go check!"

Before we knew it, the girl had jumped off the couch! Me, Ethan, and Grace who I didn't know was up, ran to see if she was ok. She had used a rope that was pinned in the side of the couch to get down, we all were in shock and relief knowing she was ok. Toni was still in a deep sleep, usually that's me. The cat from earlier must have tired him out!

???:"That's what I forgot, a proper introduction! I'm Bailey, nice to meet you!"
Grace:Nods "Grace, nice to meet you as well."
Ethan:Smiles "I'm Ethan! This is Hannah!"
Hannah:Stops daydreaming "Oh! Uh, hi."
Bailey:Smiles "You guys must be new around here, we'll I'm assuming you are since you had a not so nice meet up with Ellen."
Hannah:Tilts head "Ellen??"
Bailey:Looks a bit annoyed, not at Hannah though "Yeah, she's this one human lady's cat. She's a beast. Her owners no better."
Grace:Curious "I hope this isn't a sensitive question or anything, but if you're a borrower, then how did you get to the human realm?"
Bailey:Smiles "That's actually a good question! Well, all questions are good questions. While I answer that, let's head to the kitchen!"
Ethan:"Sounds good to me!"

After waking up Toni, and shorting what he missed, we headed to the kitchen and back on the counter we were on earlier. Bailey's sister, Hailey, was in a hole in the wall hidden by a display of knives looking for something. While Bailey explained how they got here.

Bailey:Grabbed some wood from a corner and starts making something while he talks "Basically our parents were some really smart borrowers, and the town people were jealous. So after they had me and my twin sister, they were like "Grr! You're smart and we're not! Either you leave or your babies die!!" So they choose to leave, leaving us with the jealous people. They came back to get us and we lived here!"
Toni:Confused "So where are they now??"
Bailey:Looks a bit upset, he pauses but then speaks again "They.. we're looking for resources one day. Hailey was outside playing and she just heard a scream and yelling following it. A.... A human had our mom. Our dad tried to save her but... but they took him too."
*Ethan, Toni, Grace, and Hannah look in shock and a bit of sadness*
Bailey:"I grabbed Hailey and brought her inside before they took her too. She cried for months. I didn't blame her, the only reason I didn't cry as much was because I had to be strong for her.."

Ethan suddenly hugged Bailey, Bailey was of course in shock and confusion.

Ethan:"... I know how that is.."
Bailey:"..." Hugged Ethan back, and does a slight laugh "Telling depressing stories was definitely NOT on my list today!"

After a bit of emotional support, Hailey came back with some fruit! It was good! While we were hanging out with them I noticed some difference between the twins as well! Bailey is a builder, he usually fixes stuff around the house or is just building new stuff. I guess that goes with his ability to fix problems people are having emotionally as well, he's usually building solutions. Hailey is the healer, she has a lot of bandages. A lot would be an understatement actually.. That goes well with her way of healing people during hard times, she probably is the type of person who calms someone down when. I might be looking to far into it, but that's just how I experienced our first meeting. After a bit of explaining how we got here, and some other random conversation, Bailey explained what they were planning on doing tomorrow.

Bailey:Excited "Me and Hailey were planning on going to a humans house and messing with them a little bit!"
Hailey:Nods "Mhm! It will being-"
Bailey:Corrects Hailey "Be."
Hailey:Smiles awkwardly "Be. Very fun!"
Grace:Concerned "Isn't that dangerous?? What if you accidentally get caught? *Or worse..*"
Bailey:"Humans deserve it! They're all heartless and kill or cut open anything that isn't human."
Hailey:Smirks "Yeah! Bad humans!"
Toni:Agrees "I'm up for it! Sounds like a good time to me!"
Grace:Stares at Toni "Of course YOU would enjoy something like that."
Toni:Stares annoyedly at Grace "Of course YOU wouldn't something like that. Human's definitely DO deserve it anyway!"
Bailey and Hailey:Watching them fight
Hannah:Interrupts the argument "I agree with Toni."
Grace:Annoyed "Seriously?!"
Hannah:Calm "Humans have done nothing but hurt us, so it's only fair. Let's give them 当然のカルマだ (Tōzen no karumada)!"
Hailey:Smiles "Yes! Some well deserved karma!"
Hannah:Shocked "You knew what I said?!"
Hailey:"I have been practicing for a while, I'm not fluent but I think I can say a few sentences!"

I don't know why, but that made me extremely happy! We all spent the rest of the day planning and getting to know each other, we all finally had our plan ready and slept on the couch. I started my summer with 3 friends, and I'm continuing it with 5!

[A/N]:Literally love the dynamic between Bailey and Hailey, also first full backstory in this book! I actually started crying while typing it lol- ;u; but [Y/N] is gonna show up in the book soon so YAY!!

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