Unexpected Intruder

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*Hailey's P.O.V*
I woke up suddenly. Though this time it was not from a nightmare, I could not remember what woke me up but I just accepted it. Everyone else was sleep, so that meant I was on borrowing duty.. Not my most favorite thing to do, but it is something that has to be done! I was going to wake my brother up, but I let him rest because he needed. I went out of the wall, made sure it was safe and looked in the kitchen. Bailey made a hole in the kitchen wall yesterday night so that made it a lot easier to get onto the counter. Though when I got there, there was a clear box with something in it. I got closer and realized there was some food in it! Easy borrow, at least... That is what I had thought.. I entered the clear box, nothing happened. Until I grabbed the small piece of food inside of it... The box had closed on me! Reasonably I panicked, this was something I had nightmares about.. Now it is really happening?!

Hailey:Panicking "*Nononono... This can not be happening!.. I NEED to get out here! Maybe.. Maybe I can break my way out somehow!.."

I tried my hardest to get out, but nothing worked.... I looked in my bag to see if I had anything useful but that did not help either.. My head filled with every negative outcome I could think of. I could die in here, starving or suffocating.. The human here would find me in here, keep me, kill me or sell me... or worse.... My heavy breathing made the box foggy, even when I tried to calm myself down it didn't work..

*[Y/N]'s P.O.V*
Yesterday I noticed two mice holes in my walls, one near my door under a table, and the other on the kitchen. Great.. I remember I had made this one trap for mice when I was younger, it didn't catch anything because they got into these other traps my parents got from a store. I felt terrible because it died, I'm not into hurting animals.. So I thought with the trap I made when I was younger, I could just put it outside gently. I remembered how to make it so I got a clear container, a small stick from outside to hold the container up, a string wrapped around the stick, and a piece of cheese wrapped around the string. It reminded me of those cliche traps you'd see in cartoons, which is most likely where I got it from, but I thought it was worth a shot. So when I woke up this morning, I did what I usually do in the morning. Except I didn't go downstairs, so I talked with Kaitlin for a bit. She was of course was going on and on about how borrowers were real, as usual.. We've been friends since elementary school so I kinda got used to it by now. Plus I like hearing the new "evidence" she has every time, it's become a guessing game for me in my head. What's she going to say this time as evidence? We talk for 15 minutes til she had to hang up to do something, so I decided I should finally go downstairs. Quietly, I walked down the steps and just as I was halfway down I heard a noise coming from my kitchen. I flinched, but then remembered. The trap! I slowly went down my steps and peaked into the kitchen, the container was foggy.. That worried me, so walked over to the container and slowly lifted the container... I had only slightly opened and meet eyes with what looked like a small person?.. I let out a short but load "Woah!", it was a mix of shock and confusion. I closed it trying to get my thoughts together, I just opened this container and was met with a small person. I had to be dreaming right? No way I saw that correctly, unless it was... No that couldn't be right either.. I opened the container again and the small human was still there, shaking and terrified.... I was going to try and calm them down but they ran. Not that far though, I was able to pick them up after a second or two. I held them, not to tightly, but tight enough that they wouldn't fall or try running again. I was able to get a better look at them as well. Female with brown hair, overalls with a skirt, and a beanie of the same grey-ish color.

[Y/N]:Thinking "*Is she a...-"
Hailey:Quietly, still sobbing "Please don't kill me!..."

Despite how quietly she spoke, I still was able to hear her.. I looked shocked and concerned, not just because she was asking not to kill her... but because she sounded no younger than 12 years old.. This was child, no, a SMALL child in my hands! I quite literally had her life in my hands. I wasn't sure how to comfort her, I'm not the best at comforting. I'm not a social person, the only friend I have is Kaitlin and SHE is usually doing the comforting!

*Hailey's P.O.V*
I was going to die. My brother would not even know I was gone until he woke up... My head was spinning and I could not think straight, my body was shaking so hard you would think I was experiencing an earthquake.. My vision was getting blurry too... Was dying?.. Why now?! Why me?! Why.... I knew trying to get out of their grip was going to do nothing but waste my energy, not that I had any in the first place..

Bailey:Ran out of the kitchen mouse hole "Let go of my sister!!"
[Y/N]:Concerned, and freaked out "Oh my god there's more..."
Toni:Ran out "Let's get 'em! The fight starts now, monster!!"
[Y/N]:"Ok, ouch.. Monster is definitely a new one..."
Grace:Behind Toni, grabbing his arm "Are you crazy?! We need get out of here!!"
Bailey:"Hailey, bite them or something!!"
Hailey:Doesn't respond, is passed out
Bailey:Panicking "D-... DID YOU KILL MY SISTER?!"
[Y/N]:Worried "No! She just was up a second ago! *I mean, I HOPE she's not dead!* I would-"
Toni:Mad "You monster!!"
[Y/N]:Looks at Toni "And can you stop calling me that?.."
Grace:Tugging Toni's arm "Come on! Before them kill us next!!"
[Y/N]:Calms down a bit and looks at Bailey "Look, I'll give her to you and back up near the doorway with my hands where you can see them. That sound good?"
Bailey:Looks at the other two, they both shrug with a 'up to you look'. He thinks for a moment and then looks back at [Y/N] "Fine."

*[Y/N]'s P.O.V*
I put his sister down and moved to the doorway of the kitchen, putting my hands in front of me. I tried not to make any fast movement, or any movement at all, so they could calm down at least a little bit.. Two other kids came from out the hole afterwards After a minute of silence, and intense staring, I asked if I could get slightly closer. They weren't really into me getting any closer but they agreed, so I moved to the middle of the room. I also grabbed a chair, because why not?

[Y/N]:Awkwardly "Sooo..."
Toni:Tilts his head "Are your parents dead or did they abandon you?"
Grace:Smacks Toni in the back of the head "Toni!"
[Y/N]:A bit thrown off by the question "Uh. No, parents are still alive. I just chose to live by myself."
Grace:"They met you do that??"
[Y/N]:Confused "Yes?"
Hannah:"My parents didn't even let me go out of the house. If I ever asked to be able to do that they'd probably get mad."
[Y/N]:Concerned "Uhhh... That's.. That's not normal.. Where are all of your parents exactly??"
Ethan, Bailey, and Hailey:In sync "Dead."
Hannah and Grace:In sync "Left."
Toni:"I ran away, because my mom told me to.. I feel really out of place here."
[Y/N]:Worried "*Oh jeez....* How did you get here? I'm guessing you have been here that long considering I just saw the holes yesterday."
Bailey:Looks at Hailey "Someone thought it was a good idea to enter people's bags."
Hailey:Looking back at Bailey "It was a good opportunity to find snacks!"
Grace:"It was also risky."
[Y/N]:Thinking "*Well, now I can't really put them outside can I? I am a bit lonely and these kids don't seem to have any sort of parental figures... Plus they could get hurt in their own.*"

I finally gained the courage to ask if they would want to stay with me. I did point out that we barely know each other but I also pointed out that they would have to hide from me and that they would be safer with me. After a couple of seconds of thinking they all agreed! I'm not sure how I'm going to tell Kaitlin about this.. She would either rub in that she was right or be overly curious and scare them. I probably could keep this from her for a while. What's the worst that could happen?

[A/N]:That was a lot of P.O.V switching- but hey! Now they have a parental figure :D I've been getting a lot of support on this series so thanks to the people who read and are enjoying the series so far! 🫶🏽🫶🏽 (This is probably the longest chapter so far-)

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