Trust in Me

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Memory would be worried by now. I was supposed to meet up with him an hour ago, but I am currently stuck in the house of the real Sabre and all of his friends. I am curious as to what happened to Sabre though, since even I was surprised by the state he is in now. I know I have a possibility of being found out, so these next few- however long it takes for him to wake up is time I need to spend learning everything I can about his friends. I started by talking to Ghost Steve, but I got nothing new from him, mostly just had to pretend how happy I was to see him and how much I missed them. I will not be talking to Rainbow though, he would spot me out in a few minutes by simply talking to him. The next person I decided to talk to was Elemental. 

"Thank you for helping the- other Sabre." I thanked Elemental and sat down next to him. While I was talking to Ghost, Time went upstairs seeming upset. Elemental looks at me. 

"It's the most I can do, even if it's the fake one the most I can do is show the other more of my abilities." He glances at the sleeping Sabre. Galaxy has not moved from his side. In fact, he even sat down on the couch and let Sabre sleep on his lap. Does he already know that's the real Sabre? I can only assume by the way he has been acting. So why not tell everyone he knows? I won't question it. As long as I am given more time. 

"What other abilities do you have?" I asked him. He looks at me. 

"Well as you know I have control over the elements specifically Fire, earth, water, and plant life. The only thing I have been close to being able to manipulate for air is my ability to be able to fly. I can use the earth to trap people in mounds of dirt, cobblestone, stone, and even obsidian if I focus hard enough. I can manipulate and summon fire, water, lava, and plant life. I can use plant life to heal others as you can see." He gestures to the sleeping Sabre. Galaxy seemed to be listed in the conversation. "I also have access to the in-between a dimension I rule over with my brother Time, but you already knew that. Right?" He raised an eyebrow. I nodded. 

"Yeah, already knew that. I was just curious about what else you could do." I pressed through my lies. He got up and sat on the floor next to the real Sabre watching him closely. That man really needs a change of clothes. I sat quietly trying to think of who to talk to next when the one person I didn't want to talk to walked up to me staring at me. I laughed nervously. 

"Hey, Rainbow..." Was all I could get out of me as fear sank into my chest. Light was staring right back at me. This is not good. 

"What's your opinion on cheese?" Rainbow asked without blinking. I smiled knowing the answer to that question. 

"It's absolutely amazing! I would have it every day if I could, but it is hard to make in this world." I swear that man would trade his friends over for cheese. 

"Correct." Rainbow glared at me. He took a few steps back thinking of anything he could ask me to differentiate between who is the real Sabre, there is a lot he could say honestly, specifically with the long gap between me knowing Sabre and most of the friends he has now. 

"Did me and Rainbow Steve ever dance around a cake before?" Light Steve asked. Now I am not sure about it. I had to guess. 

"Yes, honestly it was pretty funny watching you guys do that." I tried to stand for the answer I said. 

"Also correct." Light touched his chin in thought, then Ghost Steve interrupts the conversation. 

"We should wait for the other Sabre to wake up, then we can start asking questions." Ghost suggests. I held back my sigh in relief. 

"But I'm bored!" Rainbow complained. Everyone in the room including me laughed. 

"You can leave, you don't have to stay here," Elemental tells them.

"But I want to find out who the real Sabre is, and someone needs to watch both of them." Rainbow grumbles and pouts. He was now acting more of the way I remembered him.

"How about you can bring the Sabre you were just talking to out of the house," Galaxy says. I was surprised. 

"Didn't you say we need to stay in the house?" I asked Galaxy Steve. 

"Well, yes, but as long as you two don't lose him it's fine." He gave me a cold look. I shivered. 

"So I can build the chicken coop for the new fake Sabre!" Before anyone could ask what he meant by that Rainbow grabbed both me and Light and dragged us outside of the house. He took us to a large open area near the forest overlapping the growing village with rope all around an area with a single sign saying Rainbow's animal plot. I looked at it confused before remembering a spot that was in the rainbow town. A coop for the Fake Sabre and a horse for Fake Lucas. I guess he is building another one. 

"So, how big do you want the coop this time Rainbow?" I asked him. He looks around the fairly large plot he got. Light watched him smiling a little. 

"Well, now that I got a fake sabre I can build this town an animal sanctuary! There aren't many wild animals in the area and it's hard to get supplies like wool, milk, and eggs so I want to build an animal farm for everyone here! Of course, there will be a few rules, on how the animals should be treated, but this can be a place for all the steves here to feel safe to have animals again." Rainbow lit up the area with his kindness. 

"We are even making an underground safe place for the animals so when there is an attack they can hide and stay safe." Light tells me, I guess they have been planning this for a while now. This is sweet of the two. I smiled. 

"Then let's get started." We all got to work. 

Rainbow made sure there was enough space for all animals to have as well as homes for them to live in. He planned for the coop to be three levels tall. The bottom of the level is for the chickens to wander and have food in. The other two levels are for them to sleep, rest, and lay their eggs in. The plot was large enough to fit enough chickens for the entire town with space to expand later if needed. He then got a spot that was close in the shade for the sheep so they can cool down on hot days. He made sure there was enough space for them as well as grass to eat. For the cows, he did the opposite making sure they had a lot of sun to keep warm. Once he had all the land planned out we spent time collecting materials for all the buildings. The amount of supplies we were bringing brought the attention of many other steves. Rainbow told them of their idea and many of them started to help. Some steves took the motive to build the structures, while others went out searching for animals to bring into the farm. Me, Light, and Rainbow once getting enough supplies focused on building and decorating the farm with splashes of rainbow colors on the wood. It took almost the entire day to finish the project. 

Once it was done Rainbow put the Fake Sabre chicken in the coop, it being the first chicken to now live in the coop. also showing it how to get in and out of the underground safe spot. This place soon got the name Rainbow Farm. I was exhausted after helping so much, but I didn't mind. I got to experience something I will never get to have.


No one ever wants to be around me unless I look like someone else, not a faceless nobody that can't even talk... Steves wanted to talk to me when I was like this, steves were kind to me when I was like this... I don't care if I am posing as someone else, but at least I get to be normal... I get to experience things without people screaming at the sight of me. People saying that I am an evil person. Then again, the only person who doesn't think of me as evil is Memory Steve. My only friend... Once I can get him out of these stupid scenarios with the villains we can live our own lives together happily. Just the two of us. Until then, I just want to be happy here with the fact knowing that at least for now people saw me as good. As someone, they can trust and be friends with. All I want is for Steves to have trust. Trust in me. 

"We should head back now Sabre what do you think?" Rainbow asked me with a smile as I am reminded that even he wouldn't want to be friends with me. 

"We should, let's go ahead and see if the other me has woken up and figured out who is the real Sabre." I just hope for once it will finally be me. 


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