Chapter 3

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"The only reasoning I have is to teach Ink a lesson for stealing Nightmare from me." Killer snarled in anger, slipping his knife back up his sleeve. Dust picked Ink up and slung him over his shoulder. "That's a really dumb reasoning." He sighed and started walking. Killer walked after him. "It's not stupid! He deserves it!!" He argued.

"Yes it is. Your fighting over Boss. Who clearly already found someone. You just seem to really like holding onto things that aren't yours, don't you?" Dust shook his head and chastised him for his behavior. Killer got annoyed. "Who are you to judge me?! You have no right to do so!" His companion turned to look at him, adjusting Ink on his shoulder.

"Maybe not..but Boss told me to come collect Ink. And to bring you with me." He glared at Killer, using his blue magic to keep Killer's soul in place. "And I am not about to disobey an order from the Boss." Killer growled a bit. "How dare you!" He tried to move, but of course he couldn't. At least not much. Dust just rolled his eyes and teleported back to Nightmare. He gently handed over Ink to him and gave a slight bow as he kept Killer in his magic.

"Good job, Dust. You followed my orders." Nightmare glared at Killer as Dust pulled him closer. "He's all yours Boss." He released his magic and Nightmare wrapped a tentacle around Killer. "Explain yourself. NOW." Killer looked away from him, glancing at Ink's body in one of Nightmare's other tentacles, looking peacefully asleep. "I..I got jealous Boss..after getting suspicious something was going on..I had to figure it out. So I snuck in your room and took him while you were dealing with the others."

"You dared to touch my lover. And you attempted to harm him." His voice seethed with rage as he spoke, while at the same time trying to stay calm. "I cannot allow you to be so reckless as to try that again." He squeezed his body with the tentacle he had around him. "B-Boss I just!-" He coughed as his body was squeezed more. "There's no excuses! Hush that pathetic mouth of yours!!" He threw him into the wall, pulling Ink's body close to his own. He turned, holding him close still. "You attempt even once to harm him again, and I will kill you." He walked away with him.

Dust looked over at Killer and simply followed after Nightmare. "I'll be sure to keep my eye out in case he gets the courage to try it again." He split off from him and went to his room. Nightmare nodded and carried Ink to his room. He sat on the bed and gently held Ink. "I'm sorry, my love." He kissed his forehead. "I'll protect you better from now on."

~A few hours later, towards sunrise~

Ink had woken up by then and was cuddled up against Nightmare's chest. "Night..." His partner shushed him. "Don't worry about anything right now. I have it under control." Ink sighed softly. "I should have been more careful. I didn't realize that he'd try and come after me. At least not like that." Nightmare frowned a bit. "I know. But I also didn't help much. I thought I was being cautious enough." He held him close again. "And I don't feel like losing you."

"I'm more worried about-" Nightmare shook his head. "About everyone finding out? Don't. If Killer now knows, it won't be long before everyone in the multiverse knows." He sighed. "He is a big mouth after all." Ink groaned. "So I kept that all hidden for nothing?!"Nightmare laughed at him, smiling softly. "Not for nothing, no. You did a good job. We both slipped up and of course it's gonna slip to the world."

Both of them sighed a bit and just relished into each other's presence. Neither wanted to admit it to the other but they were glad that everyone would know. Whether it was good or bad, they'd figure it out.

~Back at the Star Sanses base~

"But Dream! He still hasn't come back yet and I'm worried!" Blue pouted and got up. Dream pulled him back down. "I know your worried but please..Ink's probably fine! Please just calm down!" He sighed softly as Blue simply pouted and sat next to him. He looked at Dream. "But he..he's never this late..he may be forgetful, but he has never been like this.."

Dream shook his head, patting Blue's head. "It'll be ok. I told you we'd go look for him if he wasn't back soon. Wait." He started to look impatient. "Ugh! You don't get it, do you? He's our friend!!" He crossed his arms but looked towards the room door as he heard shuffling on the other end.

Ink pushed the door open and smiled. "Miss me?" Blue's eyes lit up and he quickly got up to hug his friend. "INK!!" He was happy to see he was ok. Dream just sort of watched, his attitude changing once Ink had entered the room. Ink noticed but didn't say anything, hugging Blue back. "Woah there! You alright? Your hugging pretty tightly there, pal." Blue picked Ink up, surprising the smaller skeleton. "I thought you were hurt! Or worse! That the Bad Sanses got to you! Are you ok?! No injuries?!" He checked him to make sure, which was starting to make Ink a bit embarrassed.

"I'm fine!- Quit itttt! I'm not a child, Blue!" He huffed and his friend put him down. "Sorryyy..I'm glad your ok though!" He smiled. Dream coughed and both of them looked over at him, confused. "Would you like to explain where you've been?." Ink rolled his eyes, crossing his arms and giving a very loud sigh. "Well hello to you too, mister grouchy pants." He went and plopped on the bed, soon followed by Blue as Dream shifted to make room. "And no, I don't think I will. It's none of your busine-"

"You were with them..weren't you?."

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