~Chapter 2~

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Okay.. now where I was..? Right. So it was a normal day like any other, I was sitting in the treetops and I could two people coming. It was microphone followed by Lightbulb. Yes, Lightbulb. The only person I've ever met who I think was born without a brain. And I'm thinking to myself at this point. I look down again and they were getting closer, I could now clearly hear their conversation.

"Seriously Lightbulb! It's nothing to worry about! I just go into the woods sometimes what's the worry?"

"The worry is that we never spend time together! We used to talk all the time, and now all you wanna is go into the woods!" I reach into my pocket and grab the rock I had. 'Wait for it..'

They got closer.  'Almost..'



'Yikes.. that's gonna leave a mark.'

And I think you know the rest of the story. So now me and Microphone were running in a random direction. Well, not random for me. It leads to the outskirts of the woods which is where I stay.

"Okay.. so what's our.. plan..?" I stop. 'Our plan'? I never heard her say that. She stops as well and looks over to me. I think she lost an earring while running but that's the least of my concerns.

"The plan. Is to go where I stay at and stay there for a little while."

"You've got to be kidding me.."

"Hey hey! Your the one who brought her into the woods in the first place!"

"And your the one who hit her with a rock! She could've gotten seriously injured!" Microphone sighs and turns around. She starts walking in the direction that we came from.

"Now hold on! Where are you going?!"

"Back. Back to where lightbulb is. Maybe if I can find her in time I can make up a good lie as to why she's knocked unconscious. Or maybe make it seem like we were both attacked by something, or someone." She send me a cold glance when saying that last part. Ouch. I let her go though.

I really can't deal with her today...


End of the second chapter! Also don't mind me but I'm just gonna tag a friend who wanted to be tagged lol

YTCat123 here bestie <3


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