~Chapter 3~

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Sososossossosososo sorry for the late chapter everyone ^^
Just got hooked up on my others books lol

I watched in stunned silence as Microphone walked away. That lightbulb girl was going to blow my cover if she hung around Mic any longer...! I knew I had to put an end to this, but how was the question...

I couldn't just kill her, because then she would get recovered. And I couldn't kidnap her either, there are people in the woods already looking for her just because she's been missing for 20 minutes. Maybe, just maybe, I could get her to help me. I would get all the money, and have two shots of getting it incase someone gets out! It's the perfect plan.
But I would have to wait until Mic got back to tell her, and besides, who cares if she doesn't agree with me, or doesn't want to do it, she wouldn't tell someone! In fact she should be thankful I took her under my wing in the first place! If it weren't for me, then she probably would've been out by now!
Whatever. I'll just leave for now. Go back into the bushes.

Meanwhile with Mic:

I held Lightbulb in arms bridal style, as her limp body laid there peacefully, if it weren't for the gash in her head, some could even confuse her for being asleep...
But the sickening part was that she wasn't. She was knocked out. And I hate the fact that I know who it was.
As I kept walking through the dark woods, trying to figure out where to go, I had finally ran into someone who was looking for her.
And just my luck! It turned out to be Testtube.

"Looking for someone, Testtube?"
She turned around startled, and for a second her face looked relieved. Until it turned into a mix of concern and anger. And next thing I knew, she had taken Lightbulb away from me and started to yell at me.

"You... You did this, didn't you?!"
"What?! No I didn't do it! I would never do something like that to her!"
"Oh really? You're just lying to me to get me off your trail, aren't you?! You're trying to make me think that you didn't do this to her, so that way you could just do it again! And again!"
"Testtube please! Lis-"
"No! I will not be listening to any of your nonsense! You clearly did this!"

I tried to say something more, yet she stormed off with Lightbulb still her arms before I could do so.
I stood there in silence, confused, and a bit hurt at the fact of how quickly she thought I did this.
I'm really not that much better than her, I never told xem who really did it.
Even though yes, it is her fault.
But then again.

It could be mine as well.

Word count: 483
Wowie look guys, I finally updated one of my old books!!!
This took me forever to make, even though the chapter is kind of short compared to some of my other stories-
But bye bye! See you in another book ^^

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 06 ⏰

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