The evil dreaded... SPIDERS!!

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You know those little bodies with eight legs on them that most people don't mind....
Yeah, well.... THEY ARE EVIL!!!!
And (F/N)=friends name.
(y/n)=your name.
ROLE PLAY!!! x3 meow!

Me: la, la, la! Waffle, waffle, waffle. *sits at picnic table*
Spider:*is on picnic table minding it's own life*
Me: *notices spider and screams*. (F/N)! (F/N)! KILL IT! KILL DA SPIDER!!!!
(F/n): *watches me run around in circles screaming random stuff*
(F/n): *steps on spider*
Me: *sighs*. If you didn't kill it I would've have had to blow up the earth.
(F/n): O.o
Spider: *is still alive*
Me: *screams and blows up picnic table*
(F/n): O.O!?!?
Me: *smiles evilly*. It's dead now.

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