This is so flippin' adorable!

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So, one of the boys from my class sent me this today! And I couldn't stop smiling cuz it's so cute!

(1) I need to tell you a secret look at 5
(2) the answer is look at 11
(3) don't get mad look at 15
(4) calm down don't be mad look at 13
(5) first look at 2
(6) don't be that angry look at 12
(7) I just wanted to say I love you
(8) what I wanted to tell you is.... THE ANSWER IS ON 14
(9) be patient look at 4
(10) this is the last time I'm going to do this look at 7
(11) I hope your not mad when I say this look at 6
(12) sorry look at 8
(13) don't get mad look at 10
(14)I don't know how to say this but look at 3
(15) you must be really med look at number 9

(If you also thought this was adorable please comment!)

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