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I woke up in my house, the same house I spent all summer texting my amazing friends Leilani and Lilly. Lilly kept telling me about this girl named mags and kept saying we would be "good together." I told them we would meet at college and she could introduce me to this girl that I would be so good with.

At the college doors

As I pull up in a cab to creeksfav college I see 4 people only 3 faces recognize able to me my 2 good friends lilly and Leilani and their friend leaf, I don't know leaf to well but we talk sometimes, and then I see this stunning dirty blonde with no kind of a reddish tint girl with stunning blue eyes as well, I say hi to my friends and connect with this mystery girls light blue eyes, "oh!" Lilly speaks up, "this is mags, I was talking about her yesterday night remember?" She finshes her sentace "yea I remember willy" I say mags giggles lilly stares daggers at her "what the fuck you laughing at you fuckin autistic cunt" lilly says in a angry tone "I'm sorry but willy? That's to funny" mags says "whatever shut the fuck you you stinky bichtes we still have to find our rooms and classes" Leilani spits out "oh yea maybye we should do that.." leaf says

After we all split up to find out rooms I find mine and I seem to being sharing with two others.. "Leilani and...mags" I think. I walk inside to see they still haven't gotten there yet. I choose a bed and put my stuff down, I begin to fall face first onto the bed while kicking off my shoes "mmmm I've waited for this all da-" I hear the door open. I jump up and slide to the door "WEIWA-" I stop my sentace short to see mags. "Oh hi!" I say "hey! We met earlier remember?" She ask "of course I do!" She seems to blush "oh well also Leilani she should be on her way with leaf and Lilly" she says they walk in that very moment "HEY YOU PISS JELLOS ;)" lilly shouts "lilly shut the fuck up" leilani says "meanie" lilly says in a sad tone. "so y'all wanna eat something?" I say to break the silence "yes pls" they all say agreeing "where should we go" leaf ask, "pizza?" I say? They all nod

At the pizza place

"I fucking hate pizza I will only eat pineapple " lilly says we all look at her in fucking disgust "WHAT? ITS GOOD I PROMISE!!" She yells "if you shut the fuck up I'll try it" leaf says to them "ok!" She says happily.

Finally the pizza arrived a leaf took a bite of it "WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT." Leaf shouts "WHAT?" Lilly says "wait lemme try" mags says. Hearing her voice made me feel some way..I don't know what but it made me feel something..and wachting her even eat it to made me feel something even better. "That's actually ok..but yea what leaf said wtf." She spits out. We all laugh and finsh eating our pizza but I guess mags noticed me staring at her a lot because when we got back to the dorm and Leilani left to hangout some more with Lilly and leaf she asks me "why were you staring so much love?" I blush "n-no I wasn't" I say.. "your blushing darling" she says. I look away looking just as red as my hair "I-ima go find leaf and Leilani" I say leaving the dorm room "oh ok.." mags says while pulling out her phone, I find them to see Leilani and lilly fighting over stupid shit and leaf just being there, "I think I fucked up." They all look at my confused "what the fuck do you mean" Lilly ask "well..when mags and I got back she noticed I was staring at her alot and asked me why and called me love..and as she was getting closer I ran out the dorm" I explain " basically fucked your chance of getting fucked" sounds like moss Lilly says while rolling her eyes, we stand in silence for a minute and mags sees us and comes over, "I'm sorry moss that was weird of me, I hope we can still be friends." She says in a apologetic tone "yea me and leaf are gonna go" Lilly says "yea me too" Leilani follows up as they leave "yea u-uhm we can still be friends ofc!" I say "ok, friends?" She asks "friends."

friends I thought...

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