The first date,

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Moss POV

Last week mags was telling me about a date, she says she wants to take me out, and treat me well, I told her she didn't have to but she insisted she did so I let her. I didn't know when she would take me so I was scared when she told me to "get all dressed up we are going out." In such a serious tone.. I was scared, but I did as she said and got all dressed up for her, I wore a back dress with spaghetti straps and a thigh slit, and my pearl heart necklace that Lilly told me looked cute with the dress years ago, I was never able to tell if she was being for real or fake, but I know mags likes it because she picked it, Lilly had told her to pick a necklace for her but originally it was for me.

Now that I think about it I've never actually been on a real date, like besides friend dates. So I was really nervous "you ready darling?" Mags yells from the other room, I'm not used to being called pet names by her voice yet so I still get flustered everytime "yea. I'm ready i guess" I responded, as I walk out mags looks at me with love filling in her eyes, "woaha..." she slips outta her mouth "N-NOT LIKE THAT JUST...OH MY GOD YOUR STUNNING.." she says flustered "thank you mags, your fine lol. You don't look bad yourself" I tell her,

As we are driving to wherever we are going mags puts her hand on my thigh, "if you don't mind me asking but, ma'am, where the fuck are we going" I ask "you'll see princess!"
Finnaly we pull up to a nice looking restaurant. "Are you sure this is in our price range mags?" I ask "Yess I'm sure. Plus I get a family friend Discount!" She says excited
We walk into the restaurant and I see the same curly hair and tan skin..I know I've seen it before but..wh-

"HEYY U GUYS MADE IT!!" Lilly turns around and shouts at us! "Oh my fucking god Lilly.." I say embarrassed as everyone is looking over, "what mags needed a place to take you and..I work here and she gets 50% off!" She says innocently. Mags smirks at me and whispers "told ya it's in out price range" I groan

"So what can I get you guys started with?" Lilly ask "oh I don't know I'll start with water" mags says "me to," I responded to the question
"Ok I'll be right back with that!"
*she leaves* "I find it funny you decided to take me on a date after we had sex." I say
"Yea yea whatever, I thought it would be nice! Because, I don't know I just really love you." She says, I blush at her words "I-I uhm I love you to mags, your my favorite person on this earth and I-" Lilly comes with the waters and some bread, "here ya go! And can I get you any food to eat?" She ask so politely "wow lilly I've never seen you like this, so calm and polite." She bends down over to me and quiets her voice "shut the fuck up i will rip your fucking ears off in your sleep you fucking cunt." she whispers to me "...y-yea uhm I think I'll get wings.." I say shocked "and for you mags?" She says and goes back to this polite voice "uhm I think I'll just share wings with moss, so make it a 10 peice" mags responds "ok, I'll never, get that for you!" She says jokingly, "so what were you saying before lilly came over?" Mags ask questioning "o-oh uhm Nevermind" I say

The rest of the time it was just small talk until lilly came with our wings and a extra plate for us to eat "there ya go, just call me over if you need anything" she says "wow, so this is the first time I've never heard Lilly screaming in a while" I say "yea..she yells a lot, I think it's because she gets yelled at a lot by Leilani so she just yells so fuckin much." Mags says jokingly but seems generally curious as to why she yells, I mean I am to, but whenever we ask we get yelled at
As we finshed up eating mags calls lilly over and whispers something to her, "ok, mhm, got it" Lilly says quietly but loud enough to where I can hear her, they nod at eachother as she walks away  "ok let's get outta here" mags says as she gets up "b-but what about the check?" I ask generally confused "don't worry I told Lilly something to get us outta paying, that will cost me in the end.." she says

We get into the car but as we are driving I notice we aren't going back to the campus "where are we going" I ask "you'll see love, this entire night is a suprise for you" she says
The longer we drive I start to see what looks to be lanterns..? "Lanterns..?" I ask "idk wait and see" she says smiling "OH MY FUCKING GOD." As we pull up and see people writing on lanterns and laughing and just having a good time, "alright get out!" Mags says getting out, I rush out the car to go and hug mags, " I love you so much!!" I basically scream I'm so excited "ok ok I love you to!"

We get on our knees and have two lanterns sitting infront of us, "write what you wish for darling" mags says, I write "M+M 4 ever" mags giggles "but this isn't a wish it's happening" mags says "I know, but I just don't want it to end!..I feel so happy with you."  She blushes and laughs " I love you so much, your so cute I wish I could fuc-" mags stops "NO, NO NO NO." I say smiling and laughing "oh but yes yes yes" she says jokingly, I nudge her and we laugh,
We light the lantern ( there was A lot of difficulties with that ) and mags puts her arms around me as we wacht it float up, getting smaller, and smaller I kiss her on the cheeck when it finally disappeared

We get back in the car and drive back to our dorm, as we creak the door open, we hear Leilani sleeping already because of how late it was, we come on laughing and just giggling and feeling amazing
Mags throws me on the bed and spoons me
"I had an amazing time tonight" I say "I did to" mags says in sleepy voice, moments later she's asleep, I kiss her on the forehead and change her out of the beautiful dress she was wearing, I change and shower and just like that, once again I'm asleep, in the arms of Maggie Winston.


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