The real first day.

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We arrived at college a week ago for orientations and shit, I'm so happy I went because I would've never got to known mags! We basically hung out most of the time and the other little with Leilani, Lilly and leaf. Me and mags know eachother so well now and this may be silly but I've grown a crush on her, she's just so pretty , sweet , funny and just so stupid but in a good way but now we actually have to go to school, and learn our time to hang out whenever has ended sadly

1st period

I have 1st period with Rayne , Lilly , leaf and Leilani we didn't have to due much because it was the first day of school so far, we just had to get to know eachother and to be honest I knew all 4 of them, I was fine knowing just these 4
"Soooo how's u and mags" Lilly ask annoyingly
"Shut the fuck you stinky whore" I say, Lilly knew it was code for it was going so well " was right I'm guessing" Leilani said "yea" I mumble. Lilly mumbles something under their breath "what" leilani ask, "just follow me I'll tell u" Lilly says grabbing leilani as they go to another part of the room, leaf wachtes the two leave and then looks at Rayne and then moss. "I know we don't talk much but Fr, are you guys together??" Leaf says "well we aren't bu-" before I could finsh Leilani yells, "BUT I wanna be with her" I finsh before we hear another squeal from Leilani and they come running over laughing. "Ughhh I miss mags.." I say as they sit back in there seats. "Well the bells about to ring and who knows, mags may be in your next class" Lilly says still giggling with Leilani about something
The bell rings
I dash out to see if Lilly was right

2nd period

I walk into my second period and I see mags, "huh lilly was right.." i thought. She waves at me and I blush, while walking over

Mags POV
I'm sitting down and getting selttled into second period and see the most beautiful girl I know walk into the classroom, moss. I wave at her and ask them to sit with me and they begin to walk over to me and when they sit they look a little red.."you ok moss, you lookin a lil red there..?" I ask "y-yea..." she says flustered, "ok whatever you say my love" I say, she gets redder, "oh my god..." she mumbles "heh nervous darling, I can do better" I say jokingly "OHh my fuhhhckinggg god, if you do your work I can let you do worse" moss says in a flirty tone "you'll see in the dorms,.." I say "oh my fucking god what did I get myself into.." I think

After school ( cuz I'm like that )
Also back to moss's POV.

As I'm leaving my last period to go to my dorm Lilly and leaf stop me "wanna hang out??" Lilly shouts "no sorry I'm busy..with mags I guess..?" I say questioning myself "OHH NEVERMIND JUST GO, GO LEAVE NOW!!!" She shouts even louder, leaf giggles at her "grr don't laugh." Lilly says while face turning red, "well I gotta go see ya later!" I say while walking away while Lilly is yelling at leaf to stop laughing at her while getting redder every second

In the dorm

I walk in and put my bag down to near my bed and fall onto it, and someone come into the door...

"Hey darling, let's finsh what we started earlier" "who..?" I ask....

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