A mark for a deal

18 2 0

Shizuo pov

When Izaya left I wanted to follow him. Even though I was the one who was slightly bleeding.Since he was covered in my scent when we left. I had the chance to humiliate him but I wanted it to be more...special.

I transformed into my dragon version and climbed out the window.People on video can't see dragon so I didn't have to worry about being catch on tape or video.I jumped out of the window and latched onto the other building before opening a portal towards Shinra.

Arriving on the other side was a....bit of an awkward moment.Celty was in the middle straining shinra."What kind of kinky shit do you two have doing on"Their attention turned towards me as I pulled stepped through pulling my tail along.

Shinra was left in a bit of a blushing shock as from celty...scent she was a bit peeved."He was peaking at me while I sleep"Celty cellphone read as she crossed her hands and let shinra go from her black web.

Shinra dusted himself off as he stood and walked over to see to check out my injuries."Judging by the cuts,I'm guessing you had a small Run in with Izaya"He went to grab his medical bag.

"You can say that"I sighed.Shinra already knew I was a dragon when I came for an earlier time.When he returned celty had already went back to sleep."I'm going to have to sew some of the cuts up"He pulled out some rubbing alcohol and a sewing needle.

Before he could touch me I grabbed his wrist harshly making him look at me."What are you doing Shizuo"He tried pulling his hand away but I kept my grip.He wasn't getting his hand out unless I let go.

"Listen to me Shinra"I could feel my eyes turned a gold as well as his when our eyes locked"I want you too tell me everything about Izaya when I ask you too and I want you forget about this conversation when you return"He unconsciously nodded as his ears went down.

I bared my teeth,not sharp enough to mark but sharp enough too make a contract mark.I bit his wrist and dropped it before returning my eyes to normal as well as his.

"Shizuo what did you do"he looked at the mark on his wrist and touched it a bit."Don't worry it won't effect you for long,now patch me up in tired"I groan as he whined and started to treat my wounds.It burned like hell but I've gotten used too it.

When he was done I gave him some money and said thanks.Before I exited I could hear him mumble"Eh?What was that"I turned to face him."What are you planning Shizuo"He asked with a serious face. I just smirked and waved him off,telling him that it had something to do with the flea.

I went back to the normal version of myself and left the creep doctor place.He's a simp for his "celty".When I arrived home I was too tired so I just I just laid on my couch and slept the night away.
When I woke up I could tell I would be annoyed today.I got up and stretched letting my features show up.I walked to the bathroom and took the shower.It was relaxing as I let the water run down my body.I thought about todays and remembered that Tom told me that I'd have to go out with vorona to a client.

He didn't speak Japanese but he spoke Russian.I turned off the water and dryed my self off.I looked at my hair and noticed that my roots were returning to their natural color.I sighed and got dressed before turning normal and grabbing a bottle of milk.

I made my self some cereal and ate before leaving.When I arrived Tom and vorona were there.Tom told us that we didn't have many clients and that if we finished we could be done for the day. We both nodded and left to start the day. One after another they either paid or...gotten the hell beat out of them.

Our day went by pretty quickly since most of the clients didn't want to end up in the hospital with more debt. I sighed as we sat down at a near by cafe.I took out a cigarette and lit in."Shizuo,isn't that Izaya with that man over there"She pointed and I looked over then nodded.

The flea was indeed with someone and when I focused on the scent I could tell it was another alpha. Studying closely I could see that Izaya was faking a smile and laughing and listening close,that prick was down shaming omegas.

I clenched my fist as I listened more.Him trying to ask the flea to go out and the flea rejecting him.I growled lightly at the thought of that prick going on a date with the flea.I stood up and walked over too the two.

"You got a problem with me bud"The other alpha asked.I cracked my knuckles and grabbed the guy collar and dragged him outside. Izaya was stammering while the guy struggled to get out of my grip.

When we arrived outside I pulled him towards my face."You better stay away from MY Flea!Got that!"I growled loudly before throwing his ass across the city.I smirked and looked at Izaya as he showed an confused expression.

I walked away angrily as I left him there stunned.
Finally done

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